Table 4.
CHART-SF subscales
Environmental barriers by the CHIEF-SF average item score |
Physical independence |
Social integration
Analysis | Coef. (95% CI) | Coef. (95% CI) | Coef. (95% CI) | Coef. (95% CI) |
1. Non-work/school related dimension | −1.4 [−2.42, −.37]* | −3.1 [−3.86, −2.35]* | −2.2 [−3.38, −1.03]* | −1.64 [−2.38, −.9]* |
2. Physical/structure | −.94 [−1.57, −.32]* | −1.24 [−1.71, −.78]* | −.59 [−1.31, .13] | −.12 [−.58, .33] |
3. Assistance/services | −1.22 [−2.03, −.41]* | −2.83 [−3.43, −2.23]* | −2.4 [−3.33, −1.47]* | −1.75 [−2.33, −1.16]* |
4. Work/school (n = 967) | −1.21 [−2.85, .44] | −.27 [−1.25, .71] | .97 [−.59, 2.53] | −2.05 [−3.09, −1.00]* |
5. Attitude/support | −.31 [−1.16, .54] | −1 [−1.64, −.37]* | −. 93 [−1.91, .05] | −1.04 [−1.66, −.43]* |
6. Policies | −.06 [−.76, .64] | −.85 [−1.37, −.33]* | −.22 [−1.03, .58] | −.39 [−.9, .12] |
Note. The analyses were performed by mixed linear regression model adjusted by age, years since injury, sex, MNLI, AIS, current educational level, bladder management, and pain level. All the results from the mixed linear model with taking into consideration the correlated nature of the outcome variable within the same region were significantly different from the results of the regular linear model. CHART-SF = Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique—Short Form; Coef. = regression coefficient; CI = confidence interval.
p < .05.