Fig. 2.
Direct differentiation of hiPSCs results in primarily neurons. (A) Immunostaining of control 210 and 173 hiPSC-derived cultures by DAPI, HuNu and βIII-tubulin antibodies at 3 weeks post plating. HuNu positive, βIII-tubulin positive cells are indicated by white arrows. HuNu positive, βIII-tubulin negative cells indicated by light blue arrowheads. (B) The proportion of hiPSC-derived neurons in cultures of control 210 and 173 at 3 weeks post plating. (C) Immunostaining of control 210 and 173 hiPSC-derived cultures by DAPI, HuNu and GFAP antibodies at 3 weeks post plating. HuNu positive, GFAP positive cells are indicated by orange arrowheads. DAPIpositive HuNu negative identifies nuclei of mouse cells in the feeder layers that are enriched for astrocytes stained by GFAP. (D) The proportion of hiPSC-derived astrocytes in cultures of control 210 and 173 at 3 weeks post plating. Data represented as mean + s.e.m. Three coverslips from each of the two individual platings of each line were included. No significant difference in the percentage of hiPSC-derived neurons and astrocytes in the two lines, p > 0.75, unpaired t-test with Welch’s correction.