Figure 6.
Expression of the AltPW suppresses the deregulation of lipid metabolism in the sah1 mutant and Hcy-supplemented wildtype yeast. A, total TG, PE, and PC levels in the yeast sah1 mutant. B, total FA levels and total FA composition in the yeast sah1 mutant. C, total TG, PE, and PC levels in Hcy-supplemented wildtype yeast. D, total FA levels and total FA composition in Hcy-supplemented wildtype yeast. Logarithmic-phase wildtype and the sah1 mutant yeast cells expressing the AltPW or carrying the empty plasmid were cultivated in SD−Ura (containing 10 μm inositol), reinoculated into the same medium with or without 0.05 mm CuSO4, and cultivated for 6 h before lipid extraction. Wildtype yeast expressing the AltPW or carrying the empty plasmid were cultivated in the presence or absence of 1 mm Hcy only in the SD−Ura without additional CuSO4 supplementation. Data for wildtype yeast and the sah1 mutant grown in the presence of additional CuSO4 supplementation are not shown. TG, PE, PC, and FA were normalized to ISTDs. Data are mean ± S.D. (error bars) from three independent experiments (***, p < 0.001; **, p < 0.01; *, p < 0.05).