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. 2017 Nov 3;59(4):350–371. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12838

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Functional MRI applied to the neonatal brain in both task‐based and resting conditions. For auditory stimulation, provided during natural sleep, adult‐like patterns of voice‐responsive activity become evident (Blasi et al., 2015), (A). Similarly, the activity patterns in response to painful skin stimulation reflects what would be seen in adults (Goksan et al., 2015), (B). Motor cortex responses to a passive motor balloon task become more bilateral from 31 weeks (top row, C) to term age (41 weeks, bottom row, C) (Arichi et al., 2012). Finally the repertoire of resting state networks seen in adults is clearly evident in the neonatal brain at term‐equivalent age (Ball et al., 2016), (D), but the pattern of connectivity between the networks is different in the preterm‐born brain, allowing discrimination [Colour figure can be viewed at]