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. 2017 Oct 10;33(1):e293–e319. doi: 10.1002/hpm.2468

Table 2.

Accomplishments: strengthening the enabling environment and subnational cascading

Country Accomplishment
Strengthening the Enabling Environment Subnational Cascading
Burkina Faso MSN awareness and government commitment increased, S Infant and child feeding program as an entry point for MSN, S
MSN platform formed in the Yako district, H
MSN platform operationalized in the Yako district, (H)
Government ownership and leadership strengthened
Coordinating structure reformed (awaiting final signature), (H)
Progress in making the nutrition policy and strategy multisectoral, (H)
Development of a common result framework in process, (H)
Strengthening nutrition sensitivity of sectoral policies in progress, (H)
Civil society alliance for nutrition created, H
Infant and child feeding program became more multisectoral, (H)
Mali MSN action plan developed, launched, and disseminated, H MSN platform created and coordinating committees formed in the Bankass and Yorosso districts, H
Coordination structures formed, H Subdistrict platforms formed, H
National coordinating structures operationalized, (H) Subdistrict platforms operationalized, (H)
Civil society alliance for nutrition formed, H Capacity for cascading strengthened in the national team, S
Functionality of MSN committee and funding gaps assessed, S Expansion to other districts in the Sikasso region underway, (H)
Progress in aligning policies and programs, S Capacity to mainstream nutrition in local development plans strengthened, S
Full‐time implementation unit created and awaiting staff appointments, (H) 3 national actors trained as certified instructors in participatory evaluations and strategic planning and MSN group facilitation, S
Uganda Strengthened capacity for coordinating the MSN action plan, S Strengthened implementation structures in 5 districts, S
Stakeholder convergence concerning MSN anchorage, S Strengthening local government planning for MSN in 5 districts, S
Strengthened government ownership for nutrition, S Learning platforms for MSN formed in 5 districts, (H)
Strengthened national implementation team, (H) Integration of nutrition indicators in district development plans in 5 districts, H
Bottlenecks identified and being addressed at national and district levels, S Stakeholders in 5 districts fully engaged in creating MSN guiding principles, including the supports districts need from the national level, S
Formal agreement by government and partners on guiding principles for MSN implementation, H The progress and learning in these 5 districts profoundly shape the guiding principles subsequently agreed upon at the national level, H
Ethiopia NNP launched (2013) and revised (2015), H Official dissemination of NNP to all 9 regions, H
High‐level MSN coordination body formed, H Official launch of NNP by senior regional officials, H
Regular and effective meetings of high‐level body, (H) MSN structures created and focal points assigned in 4 regions, H
MSN Technical Committee formed, H Cascading workshops in 4 regions, zones, and woredas and menu of intervention workshops held at the zonal level, H
Strengthened common understanding among members of the Technical Committee, S Regional learning platforms formed, (H)
Sectoral working groups formed in some ministries, (H) MSN integrated into annual review meetings and supportive supervision, H
Nutrition advocacy for parliamentarians and First Lady Ambassador, S
Draft MSN implementation guidelines developed and launched, (H)

Abbreviations: H, hard accomplishment; (H), hard accomplishments in progress; MSN, multisectoral nutrition; NNP, National Nutrition Program; S, soft accomplishment.