Table 5.
Boundary‐spanning actor strategies and tactics for addressing the MSN challenges
Strategies | Tactics |
1. Overall orientation, values, and strategies |
Generic: Embeddedness and networking in stakeholder community Continuous assessment, feedback, and follow‐up Reflective exercises and moments with stakeholders Issue selection at national and subnational levels Assisting stakeholders when asked, to build goodwill Credit giving, not credit taking Risk taking and weighing risk/benefit Knowledge brokering Bridging coordination and communication gaps MSN specific: Re‐enforcing the norm of country owned/country led Strengthening government ownership of the agenda Continuous advocacy with the sectors Clarifying roles and responsibilities for MSN Responsive and opportunistic capacity building Engaging effective consultants Inspiring national authorities via subnational examples and initiatives |
2. Relationships |
Effective collaboration with the MSN “subset” Alliance building at all levels and in all sectors Stimulating the creation and/or strengthening of strategic alliances Outreach to individuals to build understanding and buy‐in Managing misunderstandings and disagreements among stakeholders Helping or ensuring that people can “save face” |
3. Using opportunities |
Experience‐sharing visits Venue shopping Critical moments and opportunities Critical deadlines Building and maintaining momentum Candid reporting to the high‐level bodies Informal communication with higher‐level officials Attendance of high‐level officials at global meetings Engaging nutrition champions Partnering with ongoing initiatives in the country |
4. Tools and activities |
Decision making tools Sensitizing tools SWOT analysis Progress markers Innovative workshop tools Using evidence Initiating stakeholder surveys Effective presentations Goal‐oriented sensitization workshops and meetings Goal‐oriented district‐ and national‐level workshops for alignment of sectors and partners Promoting and supporting collaborative planning |
Abbreviations: MSN, multisectoral nutrition; SWOT, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.