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. 2017 Oct 10;33(1):e293–e319. doi: 10.1002/hpm.2468
Burkina Faso Mali Ethiopia Uganda
Nutritional status
Stunting, % 42 (2006) 43 (2001) 57 (2000) 45 (2000)
33 (2012) 39 (2006) 40 (2014) 34 (2012)
Wasting, % 11 (2012) 15 (2006) 10 (2011) 5 (2011)
Low birth weight, % 14 (2010) 18 (2010) 20 (2005) 12 (2011)
Poverty and population
Gross domestic product per capita, US dollar 1582 (2013) 1589 (2013) 1311 (2013) 1365 (2013)
Poverty < $2/day, % 79 (2010) 66 (2011)
Population (millions) 16.5 (2012) 14.9 (2012) 91.7 (2012) 36.3 (2012)
Services and practices
Antenatal care visits 4+, % 34 (2010) 45 (2010) 19 (2011) 48 (2011)
Breastfeeding (BF) initiation < 1 h, % 42 (2010) 57 (2010) 52 (2011) 53 (2011)
BF 12+ months, % 96 (2010) 90 (2010) 96 (2011) 87 (2011)
Exclusive BF 6 months, % 25 (2010) 20 (2010) 52 (2011) 63 (2011)
Severe acute malnutrition geographic coverage, % 100 (2012) 5 (2012) 75 (2012) 9 (2012)
Vitamin A full coverage, % 99 (2012) 93 (2012) 31 (2012) 70 (2012)
Oral rehydration salt for under 5s with diarrhea, % 21 (2010) 11 (2010) 26 (2011) 44 (2011)
DPT3, % 90 (2012) 74 (2012) 61 (2012) 78 (2012)
Iodized salt consumption, % 34 (2006) 74 (2006) 20 (2006) 87 (2006)
Minimum adequate diet, % 3 (2010) 4 (2011) 6 (2011)
Minimum diet diversity, % 6 (2010) 5 (2011) 13 (2011)
Gender equity
Births to women <18 years, % 28 (2010) 46 (2006) 22 (2011) 33 (2011)
Female secondary enroll, % 23 (2012) 37 (2011) 11 (2000) 14 (2011)
Water and sanitation
Improved water, % 81 (2012) 67 (2012) 52 (2012) 76 (2012)
Improved sanitation, % 36 (2012) 41 (2012) 37 (2012) 57 (2012)