Figure 1.
Early‐onset seizures are often observed in MLC patients. (A) Survival analysis (Kaplan‐Meier) of the proportion of patients that are seizure free as a function of age for patients with homozygous recessive MLC1 or (B) GLIALCAM mutations. Censored patients (seizure free at last follow‐up) are indicated by vertical lines. Ninety‐five percent confidence intervals are depicted by shaded areas. Survival curves were not different for patients with an MLC1 defect and patients with a GLIALCAM defect (log‐rank test: p = 0.56). Median age at the occurrence of the first seizure was 3 years, mode 2 years (range from first year of life up to 56 years). MLC = megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts. [Color figure can be viewed at]