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. 2018 Apr 10;13:623–632. doi: 10.2147/CIA.S158501

Table 6.

Respondents’ preferences and attitudes on the safety of OTC drug use

Feature UHS/UPP
p-value Females
p-value ≤70 years
≥71 years
n % n % n % n % n % n %
Consulting treatment method with a doctor or pharmacist 0.373 0.452 0.006*
 Always or almost always 21 24.71 19 22.35 28 20.90 12 33.33 28 19.18 12 50.00
 Often 15 17.65 24 28.24 31 23.13 8 22.22 37 25.34 2 8.33
 Depending on the symptoms – sometimes I ask for advice, sometimes I don’t 37 43.53 29 34.12 53 39.55 13 36.11 60 41.10 6 25.00
 Rarely 4 4.71 7 8.24 9 6.72 2 5.56 8 5.48 3 12.50
 Never or rarely 8 9.41 6 7.06 13 9.70 1 2.78 13 8.90 1 4.17
Familiarizing oneself with the drug information leaflet 0.822 0.179 0.633
 Yes, every time 47 55.29 49 57.65 78 58.21 18 50.00 80 54.79 16 66.67
 Sometimes or only the leaflets for drugs I do not know 26 30.59 28 32.94 42 31.34 12 33.33 49 33.56 5 20.83
 Rarely 9 10.59 6 7.06 12 8.96 3 8.33 13 8.90 2 8.33
 I never read the leaflet 3 3.53 2 2.35 2 1.49 3 8.33 4 2.74 1 4.17
Statement assessment: “Intake of active substances in higher doses than recommended can pose an immediate threat to human life or health” 0.963 0.403 0.624
 Definitely yes 43 50.59 43 50.59 70 52.24 16 44.44 71 48.63 15 62.50
 Rather yes 31 36.47 33 38.82 51 38.06 13 36.11 57 39.04 7 29.17
 Yes and no – depends on the person 7 8.24 6 7.06 8 5.97 5 13.89 12 8.22 1 4.17
 I have no opinion 4 4.71 3 3.53 5 3.73 2 5.56 6 4.11 1 4.17
Familiarity with drug disposal methods 0.011* 0.014* 0.392
 Yes 72 84.71 58 68.24 108 80.60 22 61.11 110 75.34 20 83.33
 No 13 15.29 27 31.76 26 19.40 14 38.89 36 24.66 4 16.67
How to proceed with expired or unnecessary drugs 0.014* 0.029* 0.088
 Always or almost always I bring them back to a pharmacy or clinic 42 49.41 30 35.29 63 47.01 9 25.00 57 39.04 15 62.50
 Sometimes I bring them back to a pharmacy or clinic 33 38.82 30 35.29 48 35.82 15 41.67 58 39.73 5 20.83
 I do not bring them back/throw away 10 11.76 25 29.41 23 17.16 12 33.33 31 21.23 4 16.67
Total 85 100.00 85 100.00 134 100.00 36 100.00 146 100.00 24 100.00



Statistically significant value.

Abbreviations: OTC, over-the-counter; UHS, University of a Healthy Senior; UPP, University of Psychogeriatric Prophylaxis; UTA, University of the Third Age.