Lack of common language |
Common language is essential. Terminology must be consistent and used consistently within and across adopting groups, organisations, and settings. Common language is imperative for the sustainability of an intervention and the clarity about new structures and processes. |
Short‐termism |
Characteristics of the adopting organisation and adopting community should be not only recognised but also considered in terms of the longer‐term sustainability of the intervention. This includes an organisation's size, complexity, and readiness for change. |
Lack of transformative goals |
The ability of an adopting organisation or community to share transformative goals will be defined by the attitudes of the adopting organisation. These can be considered in relation to individual and group concerns, individual and group adopters, the ability of an organisation to come on board early or late in the adoption process, and the motivation expressed for implementation to be a success. |
Lack of shared agenda |
Context and rationale for delivery must be clearly understood and agreed by all constituencies for successful implementation to occur. |
Inappropriate methodologies |
Fit of methodology to aims and objectives of the implementation process and implementation outcomes must be recognised at the study design stage and underpinned by an evidence‐base. |
Lack of embedded evaluation plans |
Evaluation frameworks should be in place as part of new research design, ready to be applied at the appropriate stage in the implementation process, for evaluation purposes. Evaluation frameworks provide a clear structure to evaluating implementation endeavours. |
Language unable to withstand the test of time |
Language must be able to withstand the test of time, thus, if terminology around implementation strategy or evaluation framework is refined, this must be through agreement with all stakeholders and researchers involved, for the common good. |