Multidisciplinary team meetings |
Weekly in patient (n = 2) |
Yes (n = 7) |
Community clinics |
Yes (n = 4) |
Hospital based (n = 1) |
No (n = 2) |
Not at the moment (n = 2) |
Virtual clinics |
Email service (n = 1) |
Yes (n = 2) |
MDT meeting (n = 1) |
Virtual ward round (n = 1) |
No (n = 4) |
Education for community staff |
Yes (n = 9) |
Domiciliary visits |
Yes (n = 9) |
Producing clinical guidance for avoidance/other pathways |
Yes (n = 9) |
Supporting quality assured spirometry |
Trained (n = 1) |
Provide training and education (n = 7) |
Yes within rehab (n = 1) |
Respiratory reviews in acute medical unit |
Yes (n = 6) |
No (n = 2) |
Covered by colleagues (n = 1) |
Oxygen assessment service |
Yes (n = 6) |
On caseload only (n = 1) |
Nurse run service (n = 1) |
For COPD patients only (n = 1) |
Smoking cessation service |
Yes (n = 4) |
Referrals (to hospital service, or smoking cessation service, n = 3) |
Input from charity in clinics (n = 1) |
Linked to local authority services (n = 1) |
Advance care planning |
Yes (n = 7) |
Part of a clinic (n = 1) |
Yes (joined by community palliative care team for MDT (n = 1) |
Other roles |
Clinical ethics committee, drugs and therapeutics committee (n = 1) |
Inpatient ward round for inpatients – 3 times a week (n = 1) |
Care planning conference, (plus mental health, psychiatrist, social worker, medical team OT and patient plus family + plus GP) (n = 1) |