Figure 5. TNC and integrin α9β1 increase subcutaneous tumor growth, enhance lung metastasis, and reduce YAP target gene expression in vivo.
Results for KRIB cells are shown. Growth curves (A) and weight (B) of subcutaneous tumors arising from control, TNC and ITGA9 knockdown cells are shown. (C) Number of mice with and without lung macrometastasis in each group. (D) Metastatic burden is determined by measuring human GAPDH in lung tissue of tumor bearing mice (fold change, qPCR). (E, F) Gene expression levels (qPCR) of the indicated genes in tumors derived from shCTRL, shTNC (E) and shITGA9 (F) cells. 10 tumors per group (A - E), except for (F) sh1TNC (9 tumors). Mean ± SEM.