A large cohort of 24mo old Long-Evans rats (n=108) were previously tested in the reference memory version of the MWM task as reported earlier [33]. Here are shown the cognitive performances of the rats used for immunoblotting analysis in this study (n=8 in each group). During the acquisition phase of the MWM task, escape latency (A) and distance swam (B) to reach the hidden platform was longer for AI than AU and Y animals (two-way ANOVA, Tukey's HSD test). (C) No significant difference was observed between the speed of Y, AI and AU rats (P>0.05; one-way ANOVA). During the probe trial, AU and Y mice crossed the platform location more frequently (one-way ANOVA) (D) and spent more time in the target quadrant (two-way ANOVA) (E) than AI mice. # represents variations compared to AI for the target quadrant, and & indicates differences for the target and opposite quadrants within each group. (F) Representative immunoblots of total and phosphorylated levels of proteins in synaptosomal (P2) fractions prepared from the hippocampus. (G) Densitometric quantification of changes between Y, AI and AU mice expressed as the mean ratio of proteins (n=8 in each group, two independent experiments). * or + indicates significant variations compared to Y or AU mice, respectively. All histograms are presented as mean values ± s.e.m. *,+,&,#
P<0.05, **,++
P<0.01, ***,+++,###,&&&