Table 1.
Study | Age (sd) | Study Design | Anatomical Metric | Index of Math Competency | Type of Math Math Measure | Main Findings |
Isaacs et al. 2001 | 15.83 (1.1) | LMA vs. HMA | GMV | WOND | Norm-based | LMA show lower GMV in left IPS. |
Han et al. 2013 | 10.8 (0.4) | LMA vs. HMA | morphometric differences | WRAT (arithmetic) | Norm-base | Anatomical differences in the L occipital- temporal cortex, L orbital-frontal cortex, and R insular cortex relates to LMA vs. HMA. |
Rotzer et al. 2008 | 9.3 (0.2) | LMA vs. HMA | GMV | ZAREKI-R (Num. Proc. & Calculation) | Norm-based | LMA showed reduced GMV in R IPS, anterior cingulum, L IFG, and bilateral middle frontal gyri. |
Rykhlevskaia et al. 2009 | 8.8 (0.7) | LMA vs. HMA | GMV | WIAT (Num. Ops. & Math Reasoning) | Norm-based | LMA show reduced GMV in bilateral superior parietal lobe, IPS, fusiform gyrus, para-hippocampal gyrus, and R anterior temporal cortex. |
Ranpura et al. 2013 | 8-14 | LMA vs. HMA | CSA, CT , and GMV | WOND | Norm-based | LMA show reduced CSA in subcentral gyri, reduced CT in L temporal and R IFG, and less GMV in R parrahippocampal gyrus and R parietal lobe. |
Cappelletti & Price 2014 | 22-74 | LMA vs. HMA | GMV |
LMA show reduced GMV in R IPS. |
Lubin et al. 2013 | 10 (0.6) | High vs. Low Number Skills | GMV |
LMA show reduced GMV in L IPS, bilateral Angular Gyrus. And occipito-temporal areas. |
Starke et al. 2013 | 6.3-7.9 | TA | GMV |
Positive relationship between GMV and numerical distance effect in multiple parietal regions and superior temporal gyrus. |
Li et al. 2013 | 10.48 (0.4) | TA | GMV & FA | WISC (arithmetic) | Norm-based | Arithmetic scores positively correlated with GMV in R IPS. |
Price et al. 2016 | 7.44 (0.3) | TA | GMV | WCJ-III (App. Problems & Calculation) | Norm-based | Composite math scores positively correlated with GMV in L IPS. |
Supekar et al. 2013 | 8.7 (0.1) | TA | GMV |
Linked to instruction outcomes | GMV in R hippocampus predicted math performance gains. |
LMA = Low Math Ability; HMA = High Math Ability; TA = Typically Achieving, individual differences; GMV = Grey Matter Volume; CSA = Cortical Surface Area; CT = Cortical Thickness; WOND = Wechsler Objective Numeric Dimensions Test; WRAT = Wide Range Achievement Test; ZAREKI-R = Neuropsychological Test Battery for Number Processing and Calculation in Children, Revised; WIAT = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test; WCJ-III = Woodcock Johnson III