Figure 6. A295S Actin Promotes Indirect Flight Muscle Hyper-contraction without Altering Thin Filament Length.
(A) The dorsal longitudinal IFMs (DLMs) of two-day-old Act88FWT/+ and Act88FA295S/+ heterozygotes and of Act88FWT/Act88FWT homozygotes were indistinguishable from those of w1118 controls. Act88FA295S/Act88FA295S homozygotes, however, displayed hypercontracted and torn DLMs.
(B) The IFM thin filament lengths did not significantly differ among the lines. Data are presented as scatterplots that display the mean ± SEM for each genotype (n = 222–254).
(C) Averaged composite images of sarcomeres (n = 47–89) from randomly selected myofibrils substantiated the similarities in thin filament lengths among the genotypes. Z and M denote Z- and M-line locations, respectively.
See also Figure S4.