Changes in brain functional connectivity after 12 weeks of bupropion treatment. Red line: increased functional connectivity (FC), blue line: decreased FC, In the IGD group at baseline, the functional correlation between the middle frontal gyrus (MPFC) and left inferior prefrontal cortex (IFGLt) (t = 3.39, FDRq = 0.0026), left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFCLt) and right lateral parietal cortex (LPRt) (t = 3.34, FDRq = 0.0030), and left posterior parietal cortex (PPCLt) and IFGRt (t = 3.67, FDRq = 0.0013). At 12 weeks, the functional correlation between the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and LPRt (t = −3.26, FDRq = 0.0017), LPRt and PPCRt (t = −3.16, FDRq = 0.0023), and LPRt and PPCLt (t = −3.42, FDRq = 0.0012). In ibGD group at baseline, the functional correlation between the PCC and LPLt (t = −3.36, FDRq = 0.0014), PCC and LPRt (t = −3.26, FDRq = 0.0027). At 12 weeks, the functional correlation between the PCC and PPCLt (t = −3.23, FDRq = 0.0031), PCC and PPCRt (t = −3.25, FDRq = 0.0031). The functional correlation between the PPCLt and PPCRt (t = 3.12, FDRq = 0.0042). In the IGD vs ibGD comparison (repeated measure analysis of variance), the ibGD group showed increased FC between IFGRt and PPCLt (F = 3.67, p = 0.0013), compared with IGD group.