Table 1.
Phytochemical screening and total alkaloid, flavonoid, and polyphenol contents of CRE.
Name of the test | Procedure | Results |
Alkaloids | Mayer's test | + |
Hager's test | + | |
Saponins | Froth test | − |
Flavonoids | Shinoda's test | + |
Lead acetate test | + | |
Tannins | Gelatin test | + |
Glycosides | Libermann's Test | − |
Keller Killiant's Test | − | |
Polyphenols | Test for polyphenol | + |
Total alkaloid content (mg of RE/g dry weight of CRE) | 0.0000703 | |
Total flavonoid content (mg of QE/g dry weight of CRE) | 0.077825 | |
Total polyphenol content (mg of GAE/g dry weight of CRE) | 0.110772 |
+ indicates presence; − indicates absence.