a Real-time PCR expression analysis of TaVAP gene in wild type (WT) and four independent transgenic lines (TaV1, TaV2, TaV3, TaV4) of A. thaliana. ACTIN was used as an internal control. b Immunoblotting of total soluble proteins extracted from the rosette leaves of 10-day-old seedlings of mutant, WT, and transgenic (TaV1) lines grown under control and stress conditions was carried out using anti-TaVAP polyclonal antibodies. Seed germination of the WT and transgenic lines was studied on MS basal medium containing different concentrations of NaCl (c), and polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000) (d). Inhibition of seed germination was recorded as non-emergence of the radical after 3 days of plating. Each experiment was conducted in three replicates containing 100 seeds each. Values are mean ± S.E. Wild type and TaVAP
OE lines were represented as dotted and solid lines, respectively