The eye-tracker adapted version of the Intra/Extradimensional Set Shifting Task. One possible trial from each stage is presented. The exemplars of the two stimulus-dimensions are randomly paired with each other in each trial (see, e.g., the pairings of large and small figures in the ED and the EDR stages). Red arrow shows which compound stimuli were rewarded in the specific trial. The stimulus exemplars change after the CDR and the IDR stage. During the first seven stages, one of the large shapes is rewarded, whereas in the last two stages, one of the small shapes is rewarded. SD, Simple Discrimination; SDR, Simple Discrimination Reversal; CD1, Compound Discrimination 1; CD2, Compound Discrimination 2; CDR, Compound Discrimination Reversal; ID, Intradimensional Set Shifting; IDR, Intradimensional Set Shifting Reversal; ED, Extradimensional Set Shifting; EDR, Extradimensional Set Shifting Reversal.