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. 2018 Apr 6;19(3):452–462. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2018.19.3.452

Table 2. Regions Showing Significant Group Changes in Regional Homogeneity in Slow-5, Slow-4, and Slow-3 Frequency Bands (AlphaSim Corrected, Overall p < 0.05).

Brain Clusters Number of Voxels Brodmann Area MNI Coordinates Peak F-Value
x y z
Slow-5 (0.010–0.027 Hz)
 L. cerebellum 32 −18 −66 −45 8.45
 R. cerebellum 237 33 −54 −36 11.00
 R. FG/MTP 31 38 21 9 −45 9.15
 R. STG 21 13/41 39 −18 −9 9.98
 R. IOG/ITG 26 19 60 −69 −9 9.40
 L. ACC/MPFC 52 32/10 0 45 3 8.60
 R. caudate 35 9 18 0 7.94
 R. calcarine 64 30 18 −51 3 9.24
 L. calcarine 49 30 −12 −57 6 10.01
 R. thalamus 78 18 −9 6 10.28
 L. MFG 24 10 −33 60 6 7.74
 L. SOG 27 18 −12 −78 21 8.81
 L. postcentral/precentral gyrus/IPL/SPL/SMG/AG 908 40/3/4/7 −48 −18 54 14.80
 R. postcentral/precentral gyrus/IPL/SPL/AG 955 3/6/40/7 54 −18 54 22.98
 L. DLPFC 27 46 −45 42 27 9.68
 L. MFG 139 8 −36 27 48 10.13
Slow-4 (0.027–0.073 Hz)
 R/L. cerebellum 1263 33 −57 −39 13.67
 L. STP/ITG/MTG 134 20/38/21 −45 12 −21 9.88
 R. rectus 31 11 3 30 −24 6.66
 R. OSFG 28 47 15 27 −30 9.32
 L. OIFG 23 47 −18 18 −24 7.70
 R. MTG/STG 30 21 72 −18 −6 7.43
 R. thalamus/caudate 102 18 −12 3 11.06
 L. ACC/SFG 48 9/10/32 0 51 28 10.96
 L. calcarine 72 30 −12 −60 9 12.63
 R. calcarine 22 30 21 −57 12 7.97
 L. postcentral/precentral gyrus/IPL/MFG/SMG/AG/precuneus/SFG/SPL/MOG 1434 40/6/3/8/2/4/7/9/19/39 −48 −15 54 16.66
 R.postcentral/precentral gyrus/MFG/SFG/IPL/AG/SMG/SPL 1457 3/40/6/3/9/46/10/8/4 54 −18 54 22.60
 L. precuneus 25 7 9 −69 51 7.14
Slow-3 (0.073–0.198 Hz)
 R. cerebellum 61 3 −75 −48 11.51
 L. cerebellum 124 −48 −51 −48 8.70
 R. OIFG/OSFG/rectus 62 11/25 9 30 −27 8.67
 L. caudate 37 −12 −9 21 11.29
 L. postcentral/precentral gyrus 69 3/4 −57 −18 33 7.79
 R. MFG 27 9 54 24 36 7.60
 L. SOG/IPL/AG/SPL 365 40/7/39/19 −18 −87 45 9.98
 R. SFG/MFG 26 9/8 24 48 45 7.22
 L. MFG/SFG 25 9/8 −36 39 42 8.18
 R. SOG/SPL/AG 34 7 21 −84 42 8.52
 R. SPL/IPL/AG 95 40/7 39 −60 63 10.59

ACC = anterior cingulate cortex, AG = angular gyrus, DLPFC = dorsal lateral prefrontal gyrus, FG = fusiform gyrus, IOG = inferior occipital gyrus, IPL = inferior parietal lobe, ITG = inferior temporal gyrus, L = left side, MFG = middle frontal gyrus, MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute, MOG = middle occipital gyrus, MPFC = medial prefrontal cortex, MTG = middle temporal gyrus, MTP = middle temporal pole, OIFG = orbital inferior frontal gyrus, OSFG = orbital superior frontal gyrus, R = right side, SFG = superior frontal gyrus, SMG = supramarginal gyrus, SOG = superior occipital gyrus, SPL = superior parietal lobe, STG = superior temporal gyrus, STP = superior temporal pole