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. 2018 Apr 18;21(4):e25107. doi: 10.1002/jia2.25107

Table 1.

Selected model input parameters for the CEPAC‐Infant model

Parameter Value Reference
I. Relative risk of mortality among replacement‐fed compared to breastfed infants (RRRF), by countrya
Kenya; Rwanda; South Africa; Côte d'Ivoire 1.0 3, 5, 6, 7
Botswana 2.0 34
Malawi 1.8‐3.3 35
Zambia 2.0‐4.2 8, 36
Uganda 6.0 38
II. Monthly infant mortality risk, by scenario and ageb 49, 50
Moderate mortality (base case)
0 to 2 months 0.0116
3 to 11 months 0.0024
12 to 24 months 0.00067
Low mortality scenario
0 to 2 months 0.0082
3 to 11 months 0.0023
12 to 24 months 0.0004
High mortality scenario
0 to 2 months 0.0172
3 to 11 months 0.0034
12 to 24 months 0.00093
III. Monthly maternal mortality risk, by disease status and ART strategy Projected from CEPAC‐International adult model
CD4 ≤ 350/μL
No ART 0.0078
3‐drug ART 0.0016
CD4 > 350/μL
No ART 0.0024
3‐drug ART 0.0009
IV. Monthly postnatal mother‐to‐child transmission risk in postnatal period, by model and ART strategy
No ART 0.0044 2, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 34, 57
3‐drug ART 0.0019 2, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 34, 57
Spectrum 2012 inputs
No ART 0.0095 58
3‐drug ART 0.0020 58
Spectrum 2016 inputs (proposed)
No ART 0.0108 Personal communication with Spectrum team
3‐drug ART 0.0012 Personal communication with Spectrum team

RRRF was calculated by dividing cumulative mortality risk (at the greatest duration reported in each study) among replacement‐fed infants by cumulative mortality risk among breastfed infants.


Mortality rates are stratified by current age in each month of the simulation and reported for breastfed, HIV‐exposed, uninfected children.