Epigenetic profiles of differentially methylated CpGs of PPAT between OB/OW and NW groups. Manhattan plots show epigenetic profiles of all increased methylated CpGs (a) and all decreased methylated CpGs (b). The X-axis shows chromosomes, and the Y-axis is a −log10 (P value). The black line represents the threshold of adjusted P value = 0.25. CpGs above the black line are significantly hyper- or hypomethylated. The volcano plot of DNA methylation (c) shows a significant difference in PPAT between the OB/OW and NW groups. Four thousand nine hundred eighty-five hypermethylated CpGs are labeled in red, and 541 hypomethylated CpGs are labeled in green (adjusted P value > 0.25). The proportions of hyper- and hypomethylated CpGs on each chromosome are shown in (d) and (e). The black line indicates if the proportions of hyper- and hypomethylated CpGs on a chromosome are higher than 6%. The distribution of significant DMCs (hyper- or hypomethylated CpGs) and globe DNA methylation CpGs in locations related to the nearest gene regions and CpG islands are shown in f and g. Hypermethylated CpGs are mainly located at TSS1500 (transcription start sites 1500), IGR (intergenic region), N-shore (the 2 kb regions upstream of the CpG island boundaries), and S-shore (the 2 kb regions downstream of the CpG island boundaries), and hypomethylated CpGs are mostly located at the gene body and open sea. The difference of the proportion of CpGs among the three CpG groups was calculated based on the χ2 test (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ns not significant). CpG islands were defined as DNA sequences (500 base windows; excluding most repetitive Alu-elements) with a GC base composition greater than 50% and a CpG observed/expected ratio of more than 0.6. The 2 kb regions immediately upstream (N_Shore) and downstream (S_Shore) of the CpG island boundaries were defined as “CpG island shores,” and the 2 kb regions upstream (N_Shelf) and downstream (S_Shelf) of the CpG island shores were referred as “CpG island shelves.” Open seas were the regions more than 4 kb from CpG islands