Unrooted maximum likelihood tree for 16 ammonium transporters (Amt), Rhesus glycoproteins (Rh), and methylammonium permeases (Mep). The percentage of trees in which the associated taxa clustered together from 500 replicates is shown next to the branches. The scale bar represents the number of amino acid substitutes per site, with tree branches drawn to scale. The boxed sequence is the subject of the current study. The analysis involved the multiple alignment of 16 full length amino acid sequences of 16 different genes using Clustal X prior to tree construction. Species name, gene, and GenBank accession number (in parentheses): Saccharomyces cerevisiae MEP1 (NP_011636), Saccharomyces cerevisiae MEP3 (EGA76487), Saccharomyces cerevisiae MEP2 (NP_011636), Arabidopsis thaliana AMT2 (NC_025010.1), Escherichia coli AmtB (Z71418.1), Arabidopsis thaliana AMT 1-3 (NC_025010.1), Arabidopsis thaliana AMT 1-1 (NC_025010.1), Arabidopsis thaliana AMT 1-4 (NC_025010.1), Lycopersicon esculentum LeAMT1-2 (NC_025010.1), Aedes aegypti AeAmt1 (XP_001652713.1), Drosophila melanogaster DmAmt (NP_001097800), Anopheles gambiae AgAMT (XM_318439), Aedes aegypti AeAmt2 (A0A1S4FGF9), Aedes albopictus AMT3 (XM_020076522), Aedes aegypti AeRh50-1 (AY926463.1), Aedes aegypti AeRh50-2 (AY926464.1).