Fig. 4.
Images recorded with the AO mode of the instrument in the right eye of V1 (location is indicated by a red square in Fig. 3(B)). (A) Single B-scan extracted from a volume scan acquired with the focus set at the photoreceptor layer. (The entire data set can be viewed in Visualization 2 (5MB, avi) ). En-face images were generated by depth integrating the 3D data over the IS/OS (B), COST (C) and RPE (D) layers. (E) Single B-scan extracted from a volume scan acquired with the focus set at the inner retinal layers. (The entire data set can be viewed in Visualization 3 (5.3MB, avi) ). En-face images were generated from this data set by depth integration over superficial plexus (F), intermediate plexus (G), and the deep plexus (H), respectively.