FIG. 1.
Schematic representation of the tissue engineering protocol. (A) A healthy eye bank cornea was devitalized following three freeze-thaw cycles and used as a carrier for the engineering of a corneal endothelium using cultured cells isolated from FECD specimens. The same protocol was also used to engineer a corneal endothelium using healthy cells from normal eye bank corneas (not shown). (B) Histology cross-sections, trichrome Masson's staining. Top left: a native human eye bank cornea before devitalization; Top right: a devitalized human cornea before cell seeding. Note the absence of cells in the stroma and on Descemet's membrane; Bottom left: a corneal endothelium engineered using cells from patients with FECD; Bottom right: a corneal endothelium tissue engineered using healthy cells from an eye bank cornea. Scale bar: 20 μm. FECD, Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy.