Fig. 5. Robot effects on spike synchrony between LA and PL neurons.
CCs of the 1099 simultaneously recorded LA and PL cell pairs were generated for each phase with PL cells as references. (A) The left three columns show representative CCs of two LA-PL pairs, displaying significant spike synchrony during the 4-s epochs before (pre-surge, top) and after (post-surge, bottom) robot activation. Significant LA-PL pairs during the pre-surge and post-surge epochs were further analyzed for the 4-s epochs before (pre-pellet) and after (post-pellet) pellet procurement, respectively. The rightmost column illustrates averaged LA-PL CCs that showed significant peaks (between −100 and 100 ms; gray area) during the pre-surge (upper) or post-surge (bottom) epochs. Shaded areas indicate SEM. **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001, compared to the other epochs. (B) Color-coded CCs of all significant cell pairs that exhibited increased LA-PL spike synchrony during the pre-surge (upper) and post-surge (bottom) epochs. The vertical lines indicate the time when the reference PL spikes occurred. The horizontal lines indicate the borders between the presumable LA→PL (above the line) and PL→LA (below the line).