(a) Representative images of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) determinations in single cells (top, pyramidal cell; bottom, astrocyte) in OHSCs. From left to right: OHSC was stained with 10 nM TMRM solution, then imaged at Ex: 514 nm, Em: 555–585 nm; mitochondria of a single cell are visualized by GFP localized in mitochondria (Ex: 488 nm, Em: 500–530 nm); Mitochondria are outlined in yellow to create a contour; Overlay of the mito-contour of a single cell with the TMRM image. (b) Cells from OHSC CA1 region were recorded. The profiles of MMP, during 10/20/30 min Basal/OGD/RP are presented as mean ± SEM from six separate experiments. Positive control (basal condition) and negative control (50 µM FCCP treatment) are used for 100% of original MMP and 0% of original MMP, respectively. All images were acquired with 63× water-immersion lens with N.A. = 0.9. Refractive Index of OHSC is around 1.36.