Figure 5.
Effects of OT, AVP and highly selective OTR and V1aR agonists and antagonists on a form social communication called flank marking in hamsters. (A) introcerebroventricular injections of both OT and AVP induced flank marking, but AVP is about 100 times more potent than OT (* indicates a significant difference between OT and AVP). (B) Effects of OTR and V1aR agonists on flank marking. The V1aR agonist but not the OTR agonist induced high levels of flank marking (* indicates a signficant difference compared to OT). (C) Effects of OTR and V1aR antagonists on OT-induced flank marking. All three concentrations of the V1aR antagonist completely blocked OT-induced flank marking while the OTR antagonist did not significantly affect flank marking (* indicates a significant difference compared to OT).