Fig. 2.
Site-directed mutational analysis of the interaction between LGI1 and ADAM22 or ADAM23. Pull-down assay between LGI1 mutants and ADAM22 ECD or ADAM23 ECD. Indicated LGI1 mutants and ADAM22 ECD-FLAG or ADAM23 ECD-FLAG secreted from HEK293T cells were mixed and pulled-down with anti-FLAG antibody agarose. Shown are Western blots of the (co-)purified (upper two panels) and input (bottom) samples with indicated antibodies (a). Quantification of the amounts of the co-purified LGI1 with ADAM22 ECD-FLAG (orange) or with ADAM23 ECD-FLAG (light blue) is shown in the graph (b). Results are shown as mean ± s.e. (n = 4 independent experiments)