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. 2018 Apr 11;12(Suppl 1):10. doi: 10.1186/s12918-018-0529-2

Table 17.

List of model equations used in PTP Integration (modified from [21])

Equation Biological significance
τy=1000∗((1000/cosh(CAM/0.1))+0.1) Time constant for secondary slow process
τh=τy/8 Time constant for PTP high conductance state
PTPh=heavyy Heaviside step function for PTP max value
y=heav(CAMCAM) Heaviside step function for y threshold value
dy/dt=(yy)/τy Secondary slow process involved in opening of PTP high conductance state
dPTPh/dt=PTPhPTPh/τh PTP high conductance state dynamics
JPTPH=permlHPTPlPSIHM0.0000000398exp37.434PSI/1exp37.434PSI Proton flux through PTP in high conductance state
JPTPCa=permCaPTPlJuni1postptpPTPh Rate of Ca2+ ion transport across PTP
dHM/dt=fHM/τhJLH+JF1HJresH+JPTPH Change in mitochondrial proton concentration
τl=p6+ampτ/cosh((HMp3)/p4) Time constant for PTP low conductance state
PTPl=0.51+tanhp1HM/p2 Rate of change of polling function
dPTPl/dt=PTPlPTPl/τl PTP low conductance state dynamics