Figure 5.
Room encoding regions. (A) The whole brain contrast “same room < different room” revealed bilateral RSC (RSC_R, RSC_L), right parahippocampal cortex (PHC_R) and bilateral posterior HC (postHC_R, postHC_L). Given our a priori interest in RSC and posterior hippocampus, their clusters are shown with a small volume corrected threshold level (t[29] > 3.67, t[29] > 3.75), while the parahippocampal cortex cluster is shown with a whole-brain corrected threshold (t[29] > 6.01). The peak MNI coordinate is shown below each cluster. (B) Comparison of mean activity for 3 different room types (vertical/horizontal/diagonal) at each cluster (5 mm sphere at peak voxel). The “same” condition (in yellow) is shown for reference purposes. The response to the diagonal condition was significantly larger than for the vertical condition in all regions except the left RSC. There was no significant difference between the vertical and horizontal conditions. Error bars are SEM adjusted for a within-subjects design (Morey 2008). *P < 0.05.