Fig. 2.
miRNA relative expression detected by qRT-PCR in salivary EV samples from OSCC patients compared to normal subjects. (a) Expression levels of miRNAs that were significantly up-regulated in patients. (b) Expression levels of miRNAs that were exclusively expressed by OSCC patients. The bars represent mean relative expression (2^-∆∆Ct) of control and patient groups ± SEM, p value (two-sided Mann-Whitney test) are reported. ROC curve describing predictive potency of the up-regulated miRNAs as a diagnostic test. The curves represent specificity versus sensitivity of miR-512-3p (c), miR-412-3p (d). Data are derived from miRNAs’ expression levels (RQ) of OSCC patients and controls. The big gray dots indicate the optimal threshold value of sensitivity and specificity determined by the maximum Youden’s index (sensitivity+specificity-1)