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. 2018 Mar 26;7(7):e008143. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.117.008143

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics and Outcomes in the 5 Age Groups for the Full Clinical Cohort

Age: 30 to 39 (N=2664) Age: 40 to 49 (N=6703) Age: 50 to 59 (N=6047) Age: 60 to 69 (N=3112) Age 70 to 79 (N=1025) P Value
Age, y 35.7±2.81 44.7±2.82 54.0±2.93 63.9±2.84 73.0±2.65 <0.0001
Female 810 (30.4)1 2170 (32.4)1 2097 (34.7)2 2171 (40.8)3 408 (39.8)3 <0.0001
BMI, kg/m2 29.2±6.33 28.8±5.12 28.8±5.12 28.4±4.72 27.2±4.01 <0.0001
Hypertension 285 (10.7)1 1000 (14.9)2 1492 (24.7)3 1059 (34.0)4 444 (43.3)5 <0.0001
Diabetes mellitus 83 (3.1)1 273 (4.1)1 382 (6.3)2 248 (8.0)3 95 (9.3)3 <0.0001
Current smoker 416 (16.2)4 892 (13.7)3 633 (10.8)2 196 (6.6)1 53 (5.3)1 <0.0001
Obesity 1046 (39.3)4 2410 (36.0)2,3 2259 (37.4)3,4 1072 (34.4)2 255 (24.9)1 <0.0001
Poor CRF 866 (32.5)4 1532 (21.4)1,2 1245 (20.6)1 724 (23.3)2,3 278 (27.1)3 <0.0001
Deaths 40 (1.5)1 158 (2.4)1 287 (4.8)2 437 (14.0)3 350 (34.2)4 <0.0001
Cardiovascular death 11 (0.4)1 50 (0.8)1 69 (1.1)1 133 (4.3)2 142 (13.8)3 <0.0001
Non‐cardiovascular death 29 (1.1)1 108 (1.6)1 218 (3.6)2 304 (9.8)3 208 (20.3)4 <0.0001

Continuous data are presented as mean±SD; categorical data as N (percentage of sample). Poor cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) defined as functional aerobic capacity (FAC) <80% predicted for age and sex on exercise test. Different superscripts indicate a statistically significant difference between age groups. Superscript 1 is arbitrarily set at the lowest value for each variable. BMI indicates body mass index.