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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Apr 19.
Published in final edited form as: Curr HIV/AIDS Rep. 2014 Dec;11(4):376–392. doi: 10.1007/s11904-014-0233-9

Table 3.

Details of reviewed studies assessing strategies to improve retention in HIV care

First author (year) Study dates Location Sample size
Design Intervention Primary outcome Results
Highly resourced settings
 Andersen [36]
Not reported Detroit, MI 61 (women) 2-arm, prospective, pre-post Nurse-based counseling and transportation assistance vs. transport alone No missed appointments in 6 months Transport plus:
10% pre
58% post
Transport only:
21% pre vs. 61%post (at a 12-month follow-up)
 Bocour [23]
2007–2011 New York City 10,095 (newly diagnosed) 2 groups, retrospective Home-based assessment of patient’s knowledge of treatment plan by Field Services Unit (FSU) Two CD4 counts separated by at least 90 days in a 12-month period 84 vs. 87% (non-FSU vs. FSU)
 Bradford [35]
Oct 2003–Jun 2006 Boston, Portland, Seattle, Washington, DC 437 Single-arm, prospective, pre-post Patient navigation by trained staff 2 or more clinic appointments in a 6-month period 64% pre-intervention
79% 12 months post intervention
 Cabral [40]
2004–2006 10 US cities 773 Single-arm, retrospective, pre-post Appointment reminders, transportation and housing assistance, and case management Gap of 4 months or more for scheduled clinic visits HR 0.45 (95% CI 0.26–0.78)
 Davila [41]
Jan 2002–Aug 2008 Houston 174 (Latino and Afiican-American youth) 3 groups, retrospective Co-location of youth-based services vs. youth-based services and educational support vs. no services 3 or more quarters with at least 1 visit in a 12-month period Referent: Youth services
No youth services: OR 0.42 (95% CI 0.17–1.43)
Youth services plus: OR 1.18 (95%CI 0.55–2.53)
 Enriquez [42]
Mar 2005–Mar 2007 Kansas City 43 (Latinos) 1 group, retrospective, pre-post Bilingual peer educators and case managers Number of visits with HIV provider per year Mean:
2.81 (pre) vs. 5.30 (post)
 Gardner [20]
Mar 2001–May 2002 Atlanta, Baltimore, Miami, Los Angeles 273 (newly diagnosed) 2-arm, randomized Strength-based case management sessions 2 or more clinic visits in a 12-month period 64 vs. 49% (intervention vs. control)
RR 1.41
 Gardner [43•]
May 2008–May 2010 Baltimore; Boston; Birmingham, AL; Brooklyn, NY; Bronx, NY; Houston; Miami 8535 Single population, cross-sectional, pre-post Provider-based messages, clinic posters, and brochures promoting care engagement 2 consecutive HIV care visits separated by 90 days in a 12-month period 48.6 vs. 52.2% (pre vs. post)
 Gardner [44•]
2010–2011 Boston, Miami; Baltimore; Birmingham, AL; Houston; New York City 1838 3-arm, randomized Periodic face-to-face contact and periodic phone calls from interventionist (EC) vs. EC and strength-based skill building sessions vs. standard of care (SOC) 2 or more visits separated by >90 days in a 12-month period SOC 45.6%
EC only 55.6%
EC + skills 55.8%
 Hightow-Weidman [34]
Jun 2006–Aug 2009 Chapel Hill, NC 89 (Latino and African-American MSM) 2 groups, retrospective Strength-based case management, appointment coordination, and co-location of services 3 or more HIV care visits in the first 12 months after enrollment 80 vs. 67% (intervention vs. control)
 Naar-King [38]
Mar 2006 Detroit 87 (adolescents and young adults) 2-arm, randomized Motivational interviewing by case managers Gaps in scheduled appointments over a 12-month period Mean:
2.76 vs. 1.33 (pre vs. post)
 Purcell [45]
Aug 2001–March 2005 Miami, New York City, San Francisco 795 (injection drug users) 2-arm, randomized Peer 1-on-l vs. video-based mentoring sessions 2 or more clinic appointments in a 6-month period 69 vs. 64% (peer vs. video) at 12 months
OR 1.14 (95% CI 0.82–1.58)
 Willis [37]
Oct 2009–Sep 2010 Washington, DC 5631 Observational On-site case management vs. standard clinic 2 or more clinic visits separated by 90 days in a 12-month period OR 4.13 (95% CI 1.93–8.85)
 Wohl [39]
Apr 2006–Apr 2009 Los Angeles 61 (Latino and African-American MSM) 1 group, retrospective, post Case management with strength-based counseling 2 or more clinic appointments in a 6-month period 70% at 6 months
Resource-poor settings
 Alamo [46] (2012) Oct 2008–June 2009 Uganda 6500 encounters 1 group, prospective pre-post Implementation of electronic medical record LTFU:
Absent 3 or more months after last scheduled appointment
10.9 to 4.8% (pre vs. post)
 Balcha [47] (2010) Feb 2007–Feb 2009 Ethiopia 1709 2 groups, retrospective Decentralization:
Health center-based vs. hospital-based care
Absent 3 or more months after last scheduled appointment
10% (health center-based) vs. 23% (hospital-based)
 Bedelu [48] (2007) Jan 2004–Jul 2006 South Africa 1025 Prospective, observational Decentralization: Health center-based vs. hospital-based care LTFU:
Not defined
2% (clinic-based) vs. 19% (hospital-based) at 1 year
 Braitstein [49]
Mar 2007–Mar 2009 Kenya 4958 2 groups, retrospective Express care for high-risk patients vs. SOC LTFU:
Absent 3 or more months after last scheduled appointment
Adjusted HR 0.59 (95% CI 0.45–0.77)
 Brennan [50•]
Feb 2008–Jan 2009 South Afiica 2848 2-arm, prospective, matched Decentralization/task-shifting:
Down referral to health center (nurse) vs. hospital-based (physician) care
Absent 3 or more months after last scheduled appointment
1.7% in down referral vs. 5.1% in hospital-based
Combined attrition:
RR 0.27 (95% CI 0.15–0.49) at 1 year
 Chan [51] (2010) October 2004–December 2008 Malawi 8093 2 groups, retrospective Decentralization:
Health center-based
(rural) vs. hospital-based (urban) care
Absent 3 or more months after last scheduled appointment
Rural vs. urban:
Adjusted OR 0.48 (95% CI 0.40–0.58)
 Decroo [52] (2010) Feb 2008–May 2010 Mozambique 1384 1 group, retrospective Self-forming groups for peer ART adherence support Retention in care:
No death or LTFU (absent for 3 or more months from care)
97.5% retention rate at 13 months
 Fatti [53] (2010) 2004–2007 South Afiica 29,203 3 groups, retrospective Decentralization:
Regional hospital vs. district hospital vs. health center-based care (PHC)
Absent 3 or more months after last scheduled appointment
LTFU (PHC referent)
Adjusted HR:
Regional hospital 2.19 (95% CI 1.94–2.47)
District hospital 1.60 (95% CI 1.30–1.99),
 Fatti [54] (2012) 2004–2010 South Afiica 66,953 2 groups, prospective, observational Protocolized home visits by patient advocates (PA) vs. standard of care Attrition:
Dead or absent from clinic for 180 days or more
Adjusted HR 0.65 (95% CI 0.59–0.72) at a median of 14.8 months
 Franke [55•] (2013) June 2007–Aug 2008 Rwanda 610 2 groups, prospective, observational Daily visits by community health workers (CHW), monthly food rations, accompanied to clinic by CHWs, and financial support vs. SOC LTFU:
Absent 2 or more months after last scheduled appointment
Adjusted HR 0.17 (95% CI 0.09–0.35) at 1 year
 Greig [56] (2012) 2003–2007 9 SSA countries 15,403 Retrospective, observational Decentralization:
Integrated-based (local primary care) vs. vertical (HIV-only tertiary center) care
Absent 2 or more months after last scheduled appointment
Integrated vs. vertical:
HR 0.71 (95% CI 0.61–0.83)
 Humphreys [57]
Jan–Nov 2007 Swaziland 582 2-arm, prospective, non-randomized Decentralization/task-shifting LTFU:
Absent 3 or more months after last scheduled appointment
2.4 (nurse care) vs. 1.3 (standard care), RR 1.85 (95% CI 0.41–8.34) at 6 months
 Jaffar/Amuron [58, 59•] (2009) Feb 2005–Jan 2009 Uganda 1459 2-arm, cluster-randomized equivalence Monthly home-based vs. standard clinic-based care LTFU:
Not defined
1 vs. 2% (home vs. clinic) at median of 28 months of follow-up
 Kohler [60] (2011) 2005–2007 Kenya 1024 (ART-ineligible) Prospective, observational Received cotrimoxazole prophylaxis at diagnosis vs. SOC LTFU:
Absent 30 days or more months after last scheduled appointment
Adjusted HR 2.64
(95% CI 1.95–3.57) at 1 year
 Kimutsor [61]
Mar–Sep 2010 Uganda 174 2-arm, randomized Patient-selected treatment supporters (DOT, appointment accompaniment, group education) vs. SOC Missed visits 1 (TS group) vs. 7 (SOC) at 28 weeks
 Lambdin [62]
Jan 2006–Jan 2008 Mozambique 11,775 2 groups, retrospective, observational Decentralization:
Integrated-based (local primary care) care vs. vertical-based (HIV-only tertiary center) care
Absent 2 or more months after last scheduled appointment
Integrated vs. vertical:
HR 1.75 (95% CI 1.04–2.94)
 Massaquoi [63]
Jun 2006–June 2007 Malawi 4074 2 groups, retrospective Decentralization:
Hospital-based vs. health center-based care
In care and alive on ART 85% in both hospital and health center-based groups
 McGuire [64]
Aug 2001–Dec 2008 Malawi 15,412 2 groups, retrospective Decentralization:
Health center-based (decentralized) vs. hospital-based care (centralized)
Death or LTFU (absent for 2 or more months after last scheduled appointment)
Attrition rates at 2 years:
9.9 per 100 person years (decentralized) vs. 20.8 per 100 person years (centralized)
 Odale [65] (2012) 2007–2010 Nigeria 6408 2 groups, retrospective Decentralization:
Secondary vs. tertiary hospital-based care
Death or LTFU (absent for 3 or more months after last scheduled appointment)
10.7% at secondary hospitals and 19.6% tertiary hospitals (p<0.001) at 24 months
 Same [66•] (2010) Feb 2005–Jan 2009 South Africa 812 2-arm, randomized, non-inferiority Task-shifting:
Nurse vs. physician-based HIV care
Missed 3 consecutive study visits (LTFU) 4% in nurse group and 15.4% in physician group (HR 1.42, 95% CI 0.63–3.20) at 120 weeks
 Selke [67] (2010) Mar 2006–Apr 2008 Kenya 208 2-arm, randomized Monthly home visits + clinic visits every 3 months vs. monthly clinic visits (SOC) LTFU (definition not reported) 5.2 vs. 4.5% (intervention vs. control), p>0.5 at 24 months
 Shumbusho [68]
Sep 2005–Mar 2008 Rwanda 1076 1 group, retrospective Task-shifting:
Nurse-based care
Absent 3 or more months after last scheduled appointment
91% at 24 months
 Torpey [69] (2008) Mar–Apr 2007 Zambia 3903 (pre), 4972 (post) 1 group, pre-post Adherence support by community-based volunteers LTFU:
Missing 3 consecutive monthly pharmacy appointments
15% (pre) vs. 0% (post) at 12 months

CI confidence interval, HR hazard ratio, LTFU lost to follow up, OR odds ratio, RR risk ratio, SOC standard of care