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. 2018 Mar 7;12(3):383–411. doi: 10.1111/irv.12522

Table 2.

Articles reporting the proportion of influenza B among all laboratory‐confirmed influenza

Author Design Study years Patient population Number tested for influenza Number (n) (proportion, %) of N with laboratory‐confirmed influenza Number (n) (proportion, %) of type B among all laboratory‐confirmed influenza
Roche (2002)117 Passive‐laboratory‐based surveillance 1991‐2000 Laboratory reports (nationwide network) 340 730 16 805 (4.9, 4.6‐87.2 annually) 3614 (21.5, 12.8‐95.4 annually)
Teichtahl (1997)118 Case‐control study Aug 1993‐July 1994 Hospitalized adults with asthma exacerbation 79 20 (25.2) 2 (10.0)
Moore (2009)119 Retrospective descriptive May 1997‐Dec 2005 Specimens from children <18 years (1 hospital) 32 741 specimens 1951 (6.0) 304 (15.6)
Kelly (2000)120 Prospective laboratory‐supported surveillance 1998‐1999 Patients with ILI (17‐26 general practitioners) 152 65 (42.8) 3 (4.6)
Caini (2015)34 Prospective national surveillance of patients with ILI 2001‐2012 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza 179 137 179 137(100) 28 700 (16.0)
Druce (2005)23 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance May‐Sept 2002 & 2003 Hospitalized patients with respiratory illness 3095 Only data by age 55 (1.8)
Specimens collected from state‐wide influenza surveillance program 1159 133 (11.5)
Fielding (2007)25 Prospective surveillance May‐Oct 2006 Patients with ILI (74 general practitioners) 384 126 (32.8) 15 (11.9)
Iskander (2009)24 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance June‐Oct 2006 Hospitalized children <5 years with ILI (1 hospital) 273 31 (11.4) 9 (29.0)
Lambert (2008)26 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance July 2006‐Aug 2007 Children with ARI presenting to hospital (1 hospital) 303 specimens (295 patients) 37 (12.2) 7 (18.9)
Lester‐Smith (2009)28 Retrospective descriptive Jan‐Dec 2007 Hospitalized children with influenza (1 hospital) 122 122 (100) 3 (2.5)
Miller (2008)27 Prospective surveillance Apr‐Sept 2007 Patients with ILI (21 sentinel general practices) 403 189 (46.9) 24 (12.7)
Notified laboratory‐confirmed influenza 1343 1343 (100) 186 (13.8)
Grant (2011)121 Prospective and retrospective surveillance 2010 Patients with ILI (32 general practices) 478 170 (35.6) 4 (2.4)
Notifications of laboratory‐confirmed influenza to Health Department 1914 1914 (100) 88 (4.6)
Macesic (2013)122 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance April‐Nov 2010 & 2011 Community‐acquired influenza (8‐15 hospitals) 572 572 (100) 58 (10.1)
Nosocomial influenza 26 26 (100) 2 (7.7)
Levy (2014)29 Prospective surveillance 2010‐2012 Patients with ILI (31‐57 general practices) 448 (2010) 351 (2011) 1361 (2012) 146 (32.6) 84 (29.9) (2011) 603 (44.3) (2012) 56 (38.4) (2010) 18 (20.7) (2011) 259 (43) (2012)
Fielding (2013)30 Prospective surveillance 2012 Patients with ILI (41 general practices) 709 280 (39.5) 38 (13.6)
Notified laboratory‐confirmed influenza 5058 5058 (100) 745 (14.7)
Influenza complications network 389 389 (100) 50 (12.8)
Sullivan (2014)123 Prospective surveillance 2012 Patients with ILI (110 General practices nationally) 1414 593 (41.9) 106 (17.9)
Jennings (2015)124 Prospective surveillance 15 Jun‐12 Jul 2015 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza (13 laboratories in New South Wales) 1234 1234 (100) 821 (66.5)
1 Apr‐18 Jul Laboratory‐confirmed influenza presenting to Emergency Departments (4 hospitals) 88 88 (100) 41 (46.6)
WHO55 Prospective national surveillance Jan‐Sept 2015 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza Not given (61%)
Laboratory‐confirmed influenza from general practices 2565 (30.9%) (64%)
Hospitalized laboratory‐confirmed influenza (52%)
Buecher (2010)31 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Feb‐May 2005‐2007 Patients with ILI during dry season (5 hospitals) 234 4 (1.7) 2 (50)
Mardy (2009)32 Prospective hospital‐ and clinic‐based surveillance 2006‐2008 Patients with ILI (5 outpatient departments) and ALRTI (2 hospitals) (2007‐08) 3148 (ILI) 1868 (ALRI) 338 (10.7) (5.8‐15.3 annually) 64 (3.4) (1.4‐3.6 annually) ILI & ALRTI 148 (43.8) (34‐57.7 annually)
Kasper (2012)125 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Dec 2006‐Dec 2009 Acutely ill patients with fever (9 hospitals in South‐central Cambodia) 9968 1983 (19.9) 631 (31.8)
Saha (2014)44 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance 2006‐2011 Patients with ILI at sentinel centers 10 105 1574 (15.6) (7.6‐18.8 annually) (22.9‐65.6) (annually)
Horm (2014)33 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance 2009‐2011 Patients with ILI (11 sites nationally) and ALRTI (2 hospitals) 7376 (ILI) 2248 (ALRI) 1262 (16.9) (14.5‐18.7 annually) 59 (2.6 (1.5‐3 annually) ILI & ALRTI 515 (30.6) (12.6‐64.8 annually)
Timmermans (2016)97 Prospective surveillance May 2010‐Dec 2012 Patients with ILI (4 sites in Western Cambodia) 586 168 (29.7) 76 (45.2)
Cheng (2013)35 Prospective hospital‐ and clinic‐based surveillance (Shenzhen) 1995‐2009 Patients with URTI until 2003 (8 sites), ILI after 2003 (22‐31 sites) 25 377 2678 (10.6) (0.2‐25 annually) 757 (28.3) (2‐79 annually)
Tang (2008)126 Prospective hospital‐based descriptive (Gangzhou) Jan‐2001‐Dec 2006 Hospitalized children <14 years with ALRI 34 885 760 (2.2) 72 (9.5)
Lin (2013)36 Prospective hospital and laboratory‐based surveillance (Guangdong) Jan 2004‐Dec 2012 Patients with ILI (14 hospitals) 107 115 17 454 (16.3) 4978 (28.5)
ILI outbreak surveillance 919 outbreaks 828 outbreaks (90.1) Multiple B outbreaks in 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012
Caini (2015)34 Prospective national ILI surveillance 2006‐2012 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza (South) 122 215 122 215 (100) 35 910 (29.4)
2005‐2011 (North) 64 306 64 306 (100) 19 956 (31.0)
Yang (2012)127 Prospective outpatient surveillance (Beijing) May 2006‐Jan 2010 Patients ≥ 14 years with ARI (1 hospital) 7776 1854 (23.8) 405 (21.8)
Ji (2010)128 Retrospective hospital‐based descriptive (Suzhou) Jan 2007‐Dec 2008 Hospitalized children <5 years respiratory infection (1 hospital) 7789 120 (1.5) 25 (20.8)
Yang (2009)37 Prospective outpatient and ED surveillance (Beijing) Sept 2007‐Apr 2008 Patients with ILI (14 hospitals) 2057 611 (29.7) 450 (73.6)
Guo (2012)129 Prospective outpatient surveillance (Zhuhai City) 2008 Patients with ILI (28 hospitals) 1485 135 (9.1) (23.7)
2009 2144 604 (28.2) (9.1)
Peng (2012)130 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance (Wuhan) Jul 2008‐Jun 2010 Children ≤ 14 years with ILI (1 hospital) 1472 455 (30.9) 100 (22.0)
Ge (2012)38 Prospective outpatient surveillance (Shanghai) Jun 2009‐May 2011 Children with ILI (1 hospital) 2356 608 (25.8) 142 (23.4)
Lu (2013)131 Prospective descriptive (Jinan) Aug 2009‐Sept 2010 Patients ≥ 14 years with ARI (1 hospital) 596 124 (20.8) 75 (60.5)
Wei (2013)40 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Apr 2009‐Mar 2011 Patients with ILI 6143 1645 (26.8) 348 (21.2)
Zhu (2013)132 Laboratory‐based descriptive (Hubei & Zhejiang) 2009‐2010 Patients with respiratory infection (inpatients and outpatients) 341 54 (15.8) 18 (33.3)
Zhao (2015)41 Prospective outpatient surveillance (Shanghai) 2009‐2014 Patients with ILI 71 354 19 974 (28.0) 6688 (33.5)
Li (2013)133 Prospective outpatient surveillance (Zhuhai City) Jan‐Dec 2010 Patients with ILI (1 hospital) 924 187 (20.2) 96 (51.3)
Yu (2013)39 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance (Jingzhou City) 2010‐2012 Hospitalized patients with SARI (4 hospitals) 16 208 2057 (12.7) 998 (48.5)
Huo (2012)134 Prospective outpatient surveillance (Nanjing) Nov 2010‐ Oct 2011 Patients with ILI (2 hospitals, 1 laboratory) 486 178 (36.3) 37 (20.8)
Chen (2014)135 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance (Changsha) 2010‐2012 Patients with ILI (2 hospitals) 2955 278 (9.4) 83 (29.9)
Wang (2014)136 Retrospective modeling study (Gangzhou) Jan 2010‐Dec 2012 Patients with ILI 8258 1081 (13.1) 360 (33.3)
Yu (2012)137 Prospective hospital‐based descriptive (Beijing) May 2010‐Apr 2011 Patients ≥ 14 years in ED with ARI (1 hospital) 416 70 (16.8) 3 (4.3)
Fu (2015)138 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance (Shanghai) Jan 2011‐Dec 2013 Patients with ILI (2 hospitals) 1970 392 (19.9) 162 (41.3)
Ju (2014)139 Prospective hospital descriptive (Huizhou) Jul 2011‐Jul 2013 Hospitalized patients with ILI (1 hospital) 1046 209 (20.0) 74 (35.4)
Wang (2016)140 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance (Suzhou)) Apr 2011‐Mar 2014 Children <5 years with ILI presenting to outpatient or ED 3662 619 (16.9) 349 (56.4)
Beckett (2004)42 Laboratory‐based surveillance Aug 1999‐Jan 2003 Children >4 and adults with ILI at 6 sentinel centers 1372 130 (9.5) 33 (25.4)
Kosasih (2013)43 Prospective health center and hospital‐based Surveillance Jan 2003‐Dec 2007 Inpatients and outpatients with ILI at 5 (2003) to 48 (2006‐07) sentinel centers 21 030 4236 (20.1) 1487 (35.1)
Caini (2015)34 Prospective national surveillance of patients with ILI 2003‐2007 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza 3653 3653 (100) 1314 (36.0)
Saha (2014)44 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance 2010‐2011 Patients with ILI at sentinel centers 15 150 specimens 2511 (16.6) (49.9 in 2010, 24.8 in 2011)
Storms (2015)45 Enhanced prospective surveillance in East Jakarta Oct 2011‐Sept 2012 Patients with ILI at 4 outpatient clinics 3278 1131 (34.5) 536 (47.4)
Patients with SARI at 6 hospitals 1787 276 (15.4) 132 (47.8)
Vongphrachanh (2010)47 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Jan 2007‐Dec 2008 Patients with ILI presenting to hospital OPD/ED (3 hospitals) 526 155 (29.5) 92 (59.3)
Aug‐Dec 2008 Hospitalized ALRTI 79 10 (12.7) 4 (40.0)
Khamphaphongphane (2013)46 Laboratory‐based surveillance Jan 2008‐ Dec 2010 Patients with ILI presenting to hospital OPD/ED (7 hospitals) 2338 specimens 523 (22.4) (20.9‐23 annually) 142 (27.7) (2.7‐66.7 annually)
Saha (2014)44 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance 2006‐2011 Patients with ILI at sentinel centers 5949 1302 (21.9) (12.8‐29.8 annually) (2.2‐56.5 annually)
Sentilhes (2013)48 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Aug 2009‐Oct 2010 Patients hospitalized with ALRTI 292 specimens 23 (7.9) 5 (21.8)
Chan (1999)141 Retrospective descriptive Jan 1982‐Dec 1997 Children <24 months with LTRI 5697 77 (1.4) 18 (23.4)
Khor (2012)81 Retrospective hospital‐based descriptive 1982‐2008 Samples from hospitalized children ≤5 years (1 hospital) 10 269 297 (2.9) 64 (21.9)
Sam (2015)142 Laboratory‐based surveillance 1995‐2008 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza 1 month to 49 years 338 338 (100) 88 (26.0)
Sam (2010)143 Retrospective descriptive 2002‐2007 Hospitalized children <15 years with laboratory‐confirmed influenza 132 132 (100) 35 (26.5)
Saat (2010)49 Prospective laboratory‐based surveillance Jan 2005‐Dec 2009 Patients with ILI (nationwide) 7117 specimens 993 (14.0) (10.2‐31.6 annually) 305 (30.7) (18‐51 annually)
Saha (2014)44 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance 2006‐2011 Patients with ILI at sentinel centers 10 323 894 (8.7) (3.1‐13.4 annually) (20.2‐62.6, 2006‐2010)
Hasegawa (2006)50 Prospective hospital‐ and clinic‐based surveillance Sept 2003‐Dec 2004 Patients with ILI (1 hospital, 2 general practitioners) 616 139 (22.6) 6 (4.3)
Hasegawa (2006)51 Prospective hospital‐ and clinic‐based surveillance 2005 Patients with ILI (1 hospital, 2 general practitioners) 992 268 (27.0) 125 (46.6)
Dapat (2009)52 Prospective hospital‐ and clinic‐based surveillance 2005‐2007 Patients with ILI (1 hospital, 1 clinic) 2618 522 (19.9) (24 in 2005, 11.4 in 2006, 19 in 2007) 267 (51.1) (42 in 2005, 0 in 2006, 67 in 2007)
New Zealand
Huang (2008)53 Prospective national surveillance 1997‐2006 All influenza diagnoses sentinel general practice, laboratory, hospital, and mortality surveillance Average 718 annually (0‐92 annually)
Laing (2001)144 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Jul 1999‐Jul 2000 Hospitalized adults >18 with CAP 474 39 (8.2) 8 (20.5)
Caini (2015)34 Prospective national surveillance of patients with ILI 2000‐2012 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza 17 629 17 629 (100) 2965 (16.8)
Jennings (2004)145 Prospective hospital‐based descriptive Jul‐Nov 2001 Children with ARI (1 hospital) 75 10 (13.3) 7 (70.0)
Huang (2007)54 Prospective national surveillance 2005 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza sentinel general practice, laboratory and hospital‐based surveillance 845 845 (100) 734 (86.9)
Turner (2014)146 Prospective hospital‐ and clinic‐based surveillance Apr‐Sept 2013 Patients with ILI (18 sentinel general practices) and SARI (4 hospitals) 1298 (ILI) 886 (SARI) 182 (21) 391 (30) ILI&SARI 221 (39)
WHO55 Sentinel ILI & SARI and laboratory surveillance Jan‐Sept 2015 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza Not given 5235 (100) 680 (13%)
Patients with ILI SARI patients 13891206 614 (44.2%)285 (23.6) 308 (50%)Not mentioned
Saha (2014)44 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance 2006‐2011 Patients with ILI at sentinel centers 69 108 12 607 (18.2) (6.9‐33.1 annually) (Range 2.3‐75.7)
Suzuki (2012)147 Prospective descriptive May 2008‐May 2009 Hospitalized children 8 day‐13 years with severe CAP (1 center) 819 29 (3.5) 11 (37.9)
Tallo (2014)60 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance Jan 2009‐Dec 2011 Patients with ILI and SARI at sentinel centers 5915 (ILI) 2659 (SARI) 1282 (21.7) (12.3‐25.6 annually) 226 (8.5) (6‐11.2 annually) 397 (31.0) (6‐61.2 annually) 72 (31.9) (11.4‐49.4 annually)
Otomaru (2015)61 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance Jan 2010‐Mar 2013 Patients with ILI at sentinel centers 2031 225 (11.1) (3.2‐16.0 annually) 104 (46.2) (23.8‐81.3 annually)
Kono (2014)56 Prospective surveillance 2010 Patients with ILI (2 hospitals) 300 88 (29.3) 38 (43.2)
Chew (1998)82 Retrospective descriptive Sept 1990‐Sept 1994 Patients tested for respiratory pathogens (2 hospitals) 12 354 specimens 426 (3.4) 92 (21.6)
Chow (2006)62 Retrospective surveillance Jan 1996‐ Dec 2003 Samples from outpatients or inpatients with ILI (National Influenza Centre) 57 060 specimens 3829 (6.7) 333 (13.9)
Yang (2011)63 Retrospective surveillance 2004‐2006 Samples from outpatients or inpatients with ILI (Ministry of Health) 29 329 specimens 1291 (5.5) 305 (23.6) (16.3‐33.0 annually)
Seah (2010)68 Prospective descriptive Mar 2006‐Apr 2007 Military personnel with febrile respiratory illness (1 camp) 1354 specimens 489 (36.1) 159 (32.5)
Virk (2014)65 Prospective surveillance May‐Oct 2007 Students and staff with ILI (National University of Singapore) 266 56 (21.1) 9 (16.1)
Tan (2015)64 Prospective surveillance 2007‐2009 Students and staff with ILI (National University of Singapore) 500 164 (32.8) 11 (6.7)
Saha (2014)44 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance 2007‐2011 Patients with ILI at sentinel centers 55 449 12 801 (23.1) (2.7‐79.1 2007‐2011)
Caini (2015)34 Prospective national surveillance of patients with ILI 2007‐2012 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza 12 001 12 001 (100) 2311 (19.3)
Yap (2012)67 Prospective descriptive May 2009‐June 2010 Military personnel with febrile respiratory illness (4 camps) 2858 821 (28.7) 269 (32.8)
Tan (2014)66 Prospective surveillance May 2009‐Oct 2012 Military personnel with febrile respiratory illness (5 camps) 7733 972 (12.6) 449 (46.2)
South Korea
Yun (1995)78 Prospective hospital‐based descriptive Nov 1990‐Apr 1994 Children with ALRI + children visiting the OPD or with nosocomial ALRI 804 specimens (712 patients) 42 (5.2) 11 (26.2)
Lee (2007)148 Prospective clinical & laboratory‐based surveillance Sept 2000‐Oct 2001 Patients with ILI 2972 144 (4.8) 0 (0)
Kim (2008)77 Retrospective descriptive Mar 2004‐Dec 2005 Hospitalized children <15 years with LRTI with NPA 400 76 (19) 32 (42.1)
Seo (2014)69 Retrospective laboratory‐based descriptive Jan 2005‐Dec 2008 Children <19 years with ARI 21 641 specimens 1116 (5.2) 484 (43.4)
Adults with ARI 2165 specimens 217 (10.0) 121 (55.8)
Choi (2012)149 Prospective descriptive Mar 2010‐Feb 2011 Adults ≥ 18 year in ICU with severe CAP or HCAP 198 12 (6.1) 1 (8.3)
Noh (2013)150 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Sept 2011‐Jun 2012 Adults ≥ 18 years who visited an ED with ILI 1983 846 (42.7) 169 (20.0)
Song (2013)76 Prospective ED‐based surveillance Oct 2011‐Sept 2012 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza 7213 7213 (100) 3217 (44.6)
Wie (2013)151 Prospective ED‐based surveillance Oct 2011‐May 2012 Adults with ILI 2129 850 (39.9) 194 (22.8)
Seo (2014)152 Prospective ED‐based surveillance Oct‐2011‐June 2012 Patients with ILI at ED 4490 tested Not given Max 58% of weekly samples
Choi (2015)153 Retrospective case control Sept 2011‐May 2012 Patients visiting hospital with ILI 7390 tested 1130 (15.3) 452 (40)
Ahn (2015)154 Retrospective laboratory‐based descriptive Jan 2012‐Apr 2013 Adults >16 tested for respiratory viruses 291 specimens (282 patients) 47 (16.1) 4 (8.5)
Lin (2004)80 Prospective hospital‐based descriptive Aug 1995‐July 1997 Pediatric outpatients with URTI 910 112 (12.3) 58 (51.8)
Tsai (2001)79 Prospective hospital and clinic‐based Surveillance Jan 1997‐Dec 1999 Children <12 years with RTI (inpatients and outpatients) 6986 565 (8.1) 181 (32.0)
Huang (2009)155 Retrospective descriptive Jan 1997‐May 2007 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza 2651 2651 (100) 1168 (44.1)
Hu (2004)156 Retrospective descriptive Jan 2000‐Dec 2001 Children with laboratory‐confirmed influenza 197 197 (100) 124 (62.9)
Shih (2005)157 Prospective laboratory surveillance Oct 2000‐Mar 2004 Patients with suspected RTI (inpatients and outpatients) 32 775 3244 (9.9) 1,2.75 (39.3)
Chi (2008)158 Retrospective hospital‐based descriptive Jan 2001‐Dec 2006 Children with LRTI (inpatients and outpatients) 20 405 specimens 745 (3.7) 118 (15.8)
Jian (2008)159 Prospective laboratory surveillance 2003‐2006 Patients with suspected RTI (inpatients and outpatients) 34 312 4007 (11.7) 1336 (33.3)
Lin (2013)160 Prospective laboratory and sentinel physician‐based surveillance 2003‐2007 Patients with URTI or LRTI symptoms 12 190 1150 (9.4) 651 (56.6)
Jian (2008)161 Prospective laboratory surveillance 2004‐2005 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza 1183 1183 (100) 971 (82.1)
2006‐2007 1534 1534 (100) 1219 (79.5)
Wang (2009)162 Retrospective and prospective descriptive Nov 2006‐Feb 2007 Children <18 years with ILI (inpatients, ED, outpatients) 198 specimens (196 children) 101 (51.0) 87 (86.1)
Chen (2012)70 Prospective hospital‐based descriptive Jan 2009‐March 2011 Children <24 months hospitalized with bronchiolitis 113 5 (4.4) 0 (0)
Chuang (2012)112 Prospective national surveillance 2009‐2010 Samples from patients with ARTI 14 788 specimens 3970 (26.9) 545 (13.7)
2010‐2011 Samples from patients with ARTI 11 813 specimens 2767 (23.4) 489 (17.7)
2009‐2010 Patients with influenza hospitalized with 1297 1297 (100) 82 (6.3)
2010‐2011 Pulmonary complications 1751 1751 (100) 50 (2.9)
Lo (2013)71 Prospective national surveillance Jun 2011‐Jun 2012 Outpatients with ILI 14 943 3285 (22.0) 2382 (72.5)
Suspected influenza with complications 2675 1704 (63.7) 1034 (60.7)
Suzuki (1997)163 Prospective surveillance Each August 1991‐1994 Patients with suspected influenza (2 hospitals) 186 specimens 32 (17.2) 11 (34.4)
Sirivichayakul (2000)164 Prospective descriptive June 1998‐May 1999 Nursing students with ILI (University) 106 35 (33.0) 2 (5.7)
Thawatsupha (2000)165 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Jan‐Dec 2001 Outpatients with ARI (6 hospitals) 711 specimens 338 (54.6) 102 (30.2)
Olsen (2010)84 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Sept 2003‐Dec 2005 Hospitalized patients with acute LRTI (all hospitals in 2 provinces) 3910 586 (15.0) 150 (25.6)
Suntarattiwong (2007)166 Prospective descriptive hospital‐based study July 2004‐July 2005 Hospitalized children 0‐5 years with LRTI (1 hospital) 456 39 (8.6) 5 (12.8)
Chittaganpitch (2011)72 Prospective surveillance 2004‐2010 Patients with ILI at 11 sentinel centers, 19 121 3896 (20.4) (15‐25 annuallya) 1284 (33.0 range 13‐43a)
Sep‐Dec 2010 Inpatients with SARI at 3 hospitals 336 71 (21.1) 20 (28.2)
Simmerman (2009)74 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Jan 2005‐Dec 2008 Hospitalized patients with pneumonia (all hospitals in 2 provinces) 13 119 1391 (10.6) (4.1‐16.0 annually) 444 (31.9) (range 13.6‐44.9 per year)
Hara (2011)167 Hospital‐based descriptive 2006‐2008 Hospitalized patients with CAP (hospital and HIV center) 119 7 (5.9) 1 (14.3)
Saha (2014)44 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance 2007‐2011 Patients with ILI at sentinel centers 17 421 3802 (21.8) (18.4‐25.5 annually) (12.9‐42.9)
Baggett (2012)83 Prospective active, population‐based Surveillance Jan 2009‐Dec 2010 Hospitalized patients with acute LRTI (all hospitals in 2 provinces) 7207 902 (12.5) 120 (13.3)
Prachayangprecha (2013)168 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance Jun 2009‐Jul 2012 Patients with ILI attending hospitals in Bangkok 6050 2969 (49.0) 3% of tested samples
Dawood (2014)114 Prospective hospital‐based surveillance July‐Dec 2010, 2011 Hospitalized patients with ARI (all hospitals in 2 provinces) 1545 279 (18.1) 32 (11.5)
Tewawong (2015)73 Laboratory‐based surveillance Jan 2010‐Feb 2014 Samples from patients with ILI (3 provinces) 14 418 specimens 3050 (21.2) 471 (15.4)
Vietnam Prospective laboratory‐based surveillance
Nguyen (2007)57 2001‐2003 Outpatients with ILI (12 centers) 4708 119 (2.5) 59 (49.6) (range 0‐77)
Do (2011)169 Prospective hospital‐based descriptive Nov 2004‐Jan 2008 Hospitalized children <15 years with ARI (1 center) 309 51 (16.5) 24 (47.1)
Nguyen (2009)58 Prospective hospital and clinic‐based surveillance Jan 2006‐Dec 2007 Outpatients with ILI (15 clinics) 11 082 2112 (19.1) 585 (27.7)
Nguyen (2013)59 Prospective surveillance Jan 2006‐ Dec 2010 Outpatients with ILI (7‐15 centers) 29 804 6616 (21.9) (18‐26 annually) 2163 (33.2) (23.3‐51.6 annually)
Saha (2014)44 Prospective clinic‐based surveillance 2006‐2011 Patients with ILI at sentinel centers 29 499 5241 (17.8) (Range 0‐41.3.8)
Caini (2015)34 Prospective national surveillance of patients with ILI 2006‐2013 Laboratory‐confirmed influenza 8647 8647 (100) 3011 (34.8)
Takahasi (2013)75 Prospective descriptive Sept 2009‐Aug 2010 Hospitalized patients ≥ 15 years with LRTI (1 center) 323 45 (13.9) 13 (28.9)
WHO Western Pacific region
14 countries170 Regional ILI and laboratory surveillance 2006 Data from national influenza centers (patients with ILI) 65 103 7425 (11.4) 3032 (40.8)
2007 92 939 11 143 (12.0) 3846 (34.5)
2008 94 274 11 025 (11.7) 3599 (32.6)
2009 366 164 115 554 (31.6) 4886 (4.2)
2010 307 584 51 573 (16.8) 25 565 (49.6)

A(L)RTI, acute (lower) respiratory tract infection; CAP, community‐acquired pneumonia; ED, emergency department; GP, general practice; HCAP, healthcare‐associated pneumonia; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; ICU, intensive care unit; ILI, influenza‐like illness; LRTI, lower respiratory tract infections; NPA, nasopharyngeal aspirate; OPD, outpatient department; PNG, Papua New Guinea; P&I, pneumonia and influenza; RTI, respiratory tract infection; SARI, severe acute respiratory illness.


Percentage from 2004 data not taken as only 11 subjects included in the 2004 surveillance.