Table 3. Malaria, G6PD deficiency, and indications for primaquine in different malaria-endemic regions.
Region | Parasite species | Common G6PDd variants | Recommended primaquine regimens |
Africa | Mostly Pf | Mostly A- | Gametocytocidal single dose for Pf in low-transmission areas |
Asia, Oceania, Middle East | Both Pf and Pv (close to 50:50 in many countries) P. knowlesi accounted for 38% of malaria reported cases in Malaysia in 2014 [56] |
Several, including Mahidol, Viangchan, Kaiping, Canton, Orissa, and Mediterranean. Generally more severe than A-. | Gametocytocidal single dose for Pf; radical cure for Pv |
The Americas | Both Pf and Pv (overall around 75% Pv, 25% Pf) | Mostly A- | Gametocytocidal single dose for Pf; radical cure for Pv |
Abbreviations: Pf, Plasmodium falciparum; Pv, P. vivax