Figure 2. Overview of the expression casette used for plant transformation and the gene expression strength of the transformed Nicotiana attenuata plants.
(A) The peptide Mc-AMP1 (‘ICE’) from the common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum) was constitutively expressed under a 35S promoter. The amino acid sequence of the pro-peptide is shown with the signal peptide in red and the mature domain in blue. Connection pattern of the conserved cysteine residues are indicated. (B) Uniformity in gene expression strength in rosette leaves of independently transformed N. attenuata ICE lines in the T4 generation. Bars indicate the log2 fold AMP expression levels which were 23.1 fold (±6.0) higher relative to actin as the reference gene (±SD, n = 4 plants). (C) The ICE lines showed no pleiotropic effects on plant morphology associated with AMP expression.