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. 2018 Mar 21;15(140):20180006. doi: 10.1098/rsif.2018.0006

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

The QSF secretion is under negative feedback. (a) Principle of the experiment: cell cultures are started at t = 0 in several dishes with a given cell density n0. Then the medium is taken at various times t = Ti, so that it contains QSF at concentration c(Ti). (b(i)–b(iv)) For all media collected at different time points Ti, the activity was measured as a function of the dilution factor f. Same colours as in (c). The black lines represents the Inline graphic fit. (c) Then all the activity curves were collapsed onto the master curve (black line) to get the relative QSF concentrations, allowing to measure c(t)/c0 for all Ti with the definition c(t)/c0 = 1/f0(t). (d) Computed QSF concentration in time, starting from n0 = 3 × 103 ml−1 (blue circles), n0 = 6 × 104 ml−1 (green triangles), n0 = 3 × 105 ml−1 (red squares) and theoretical predictions from equation (3.6) (dashed lines, cm = 8c0 for n0 = 3 × 103 ml−1, cm = 12c0 for n0 = 6 × 104 and 3 × 105 ml−1). The error bars represent the standard deviation (n = 3 independent experiments for each point). (e) Normalized secretion rate α/c0 as a function of the concentration, computed from the c(t) obtained with n0 = 3 × 103 ml−1. The grey lines show a linear fit (centre) and the bounding straight lines. (f) Theoretical concentration as a function of logn in populations starting from various initial densities n0. The system exhibits a tendency to switch fast from 0 to 1 around n* (dashed vertical line) with a weak sensitivity to n0 (all the curves converge fast to the limit case of equation (3.6), black line).