Light and electron microscopy immunolocalization
of VLXD and VSPα in 3-week-old soybean pod walls. A, Upper panels,
epipolarized views of regions I (endocarp middle zone), II (mesocarp),
and V (exocarp; refer to Fig. 3B) stained with antisera for VLXD.
Bar = 50 μm. Lower panels, TEM immunolocalizaton of VLXD at the
subcellular level from regions corresponding to those shown in the
upper panels. Bar = 500 nm. B, Left, bright field micrograph
showing cellular localization of VSPα in pod walls. Bar = 50
μm. Center, TEM immunolocalization of VSPα in region III
(mesocarp). Bar = 500 nm. Right, TEM immunolocalization of VSPα
in region V (exocarp). Bar = 500 nm. C, False-colored
micrograph of a soybean pod wall indicating the immunolocalization
patterns for VLXA, VLXB, VLXC, VLXD, and VSPα. P, Phenolics.