Inner-ear cell subtypes infected by AAV vectors in adult mice. Cross-sections (y–z) of the confocal images of whole-mount immunofluorescence of the middle turn cochlea 2 weeks after AAV delivery by canalostomy. (A) AAV1-infected IHCs, Deiters' cells (DC), and HeCs. (B) AAV2-infected IHCs, OHCs, and outer pillar cells (OPC). (C) AAV2/Anc80L65-infected IHCs, OHCs, HeCs, and Claudius cells (CldC). (D) AAV8-infected IHCs, HeCs, and CldC. (E) AAVrh.43-transduced IHCs and HeCs. (F) AAV6.2-infected IHCs and inner border cells (IBC). (A–F) MYO7A—red; GFP—green, and DAPI—blue. (G) An example of cross-section of an uninjected adult cochlea in which HCs were labeled with a marker MYO7A (green) and SCs labeled with Sox2 (red). Scale bars: 20 μm. IPhC, inner phalangeal cells; IPC, inner pillar cells.