Figure 6.
Mean length of miR-132 isoforms produced from pre-miR-132 variants revealed by Dram-seq. (A, B) Mean of mean length of miRNAs produced by HsDicer ± PACT or TRBP from (A) 5′ arm- and (B) 3′ arm- randomized pre-miR-132 variants containing a base-pair or base-mismatch at each position in the stem. The pre-miR-132 variants containing up to one mutation in addition to the mutation in the position of interest were analyzed. Green stars at the stem position 13 indicate that mean length was shorter, when the position was base-mismatched, compared with base-paired. (C, D) Mean of the difference of mean miRNA length produced from the (C) 5′ arm- and (D) 3′ arm- randomized pre-miR-132 variants containing a base-pair or base-mismatch at each position in the stem between HsDicer + PACT and HsDicer alone or between HsDicer + TRBP and HsDicer alone. The difference in mean miRNA length was examined for each unique pre-miR-132 variant, and their means are shown. Orange and green stars at stem positions 11 and 13 indicate that the Loqs-PB effect to make longer miRNAs was reduced when these positions were base-paired, compared with base-mismatched. The stem position numbers are shown in parentheses in (B) and (D).