Table 3.
No. | Study | Year | Country | Study type | No. of pts | Age (years) | Variables | RRs Red wine and risk of PCa | Dose | Follow-up (years) |
1 | Schuurman et al16 | 1999 | the Netherlands | Case– cohort | 58,279/680 PCa | 55–69 | Age, socioeconomic status, family history of PCa | 1.0 (0.7–1.3) | 0.1–4 g/day | 6.3 |
2 | Schoonen et al22 | 2005 | King County, WA, USA | Case– control | 703/753 PCa | 40–64 | Age, PSA screening, total lifetime number of female sexual partners, smoking status, and consumption of other types of alcohol | 0.45 (0.23–0.85) | ≥8 drinks/week | – |
3 | Velicer et al23 | 2006 | Washington, USA | Case– cohort | 34,565/816 PCa | 50–76 | Age, PSA, other types of alcohol consumed | 0.98 (0.72–1.33) | 5 drinks/week to <2/day | 4 |
4 | Sutcliffe et al25 | 2007 | USA | Case– cohort | 45,433/3,348 PCa | 40–75 | Age, race/ethnicity, BMI, cumulative family history of PCa, height, cigarette smoking in the past 10 years, baseline intakes of total energy, tomato sauce, red meat, fish, calcium and vitamin E, baseline energy- adjusted intakes of fructose and a-linolenic acid, physical activity and updated diabetes mellitus type 2 and vasectomy status, and all other specific alcoholic beverage types | 0.79 (0.64–0.97) | 2–4 drinks/week | 16 |
5 | Chao et al28 | 2010 | California, USA | Case– cohort | 84,170/1,340 PCa | 45–69 | Age, race/ethnicity, income, BMI, intake of other alcoholic beverage, meat consumption, family history of PCa, person history of PSA testing, STI, BPH, BPH surgery, prostatitis, and diabetes mellitus | 0.88 (0.70–1.12) | >1 drink/day | 5 |
Abbreviations: PCa, prostate cancer; pts, patients; RRs, risk ratios; BMI, body mass index; PSA, prostate specific antigen; BPH, benign prostatic hyperplasia; STIs, sexually transmitted infections.