A Model for Embedding Patient Safety Teaching.
A traditionally constructively aligned health care curriculum reflects professional behavior, articulated in the program outcomes. Assessment is designed to capture these outcomes, and appropriate teaching and learning activities are established to support student success in assessment. Appropriate staff expertise is required to deliver the course. The model proposed above develops this further by:
a. Recognizing the importance of the “hidden curriculum” in driving student learning and behavior. This hidden curriculum must be mapped by working in partnership with students who are the ‘experts’ in this. Space must be provided within the curriculum to allow student-led exploration of all the experiences that contribute to their professional development.
b. Recognizing that curriculum content must be driven by the needs of the practice role and assessment must be authentic, effectively measuring professional competencies. This may require a move away from traditional assessment formats, requiring staff to challenge their existing practice.
c. Proposing that HFE provide the tools to deliver on all of these aspects, and should be central to the curriculum, in both delivery and design.