Transgenes UAS-DSyd-1-GFP and UAS-DenMark were expressed in PPL1-γ2α′1 DANs using MB296B split-GAL4 (A), PAM-β2β′2a DANs using MB301B split-GAL4 (B), PPL1-α′2α2 DANs using MB058B split-GAL4 (C), PPL1-γ1pedc DANs using MB320C split-GAL4 (D), and PPL1-α3 DANs using G0239-GAL4 (E). Mean intensity of DSyd-1-GFP (green dots) was significantly different between hungry and fed flies for (A) PPL1-γ2α′1 (unpaired t-test, n = 15–16, p=0.0056), (B) PAM-β2β′2a (unpaired t-test, n = 15–16, p=0.0406), and (C) PPL1-α′2α2 (unpaired t-test, n = 16, p=0.0314) DANs, but not for (D) PPL1-γ1pedc (unpaired t-test, n = 16, p=0.6393) or (E) PPL1-α3 (unpaired t-test, n = 14–16, p=0.7481) DANs. Mean intensity of DenMark (magenta dots) did not differ between hungry and fed flies in all cases (A–E) (unpaired t-test, n = 15–16, p>0.25). Data are normalized to the mean intensities of the fed flies. Individual data points and mean ± SEM are shown.