Figure 3. Adoptive transfer of AdHO-1 BMM suppresses neutrophil trafficking and mitigates hepatocellular death in OLT.
Mouse (C57BL/6) livers subjected to 20h of cold storage and transplanted to syngeneic mice were infused via portal vein with BMM (naïve, AdHO-1 or Ad β-gal). Samples were analyzed at 6h post-OLT. (A) Representative immunohistochemical Ly6G (upper panels) and TUNEL (lower panels) staining. (B) Quantification of Ly6G (left) and TUNEL (right) positive cells/HPF (n=4-6/group). * p<0.05 vs. OLT: +BMM (AdHO-1). Data shown as mean±SD.