Fig. 7.
Hypothetical model of wild and cultivated rice varieties in response to pathogen attack. a Defense responses of wild rice roots in response to Magnaporthe oryzae. In the roots of wild rice, fatty acids were degraded and served as precursors for diterpenoid synthesis. Fatty acids were desaturated by an ω-3 fatty acid desaturase to produce unsaturated fatty acids that were then used to promote linolenic acid synthesis. The linolenic acid subsequently promoted jasmonic acid (JA) synthesis which then induced systemic resistance and could promote chitinase activity. Starch was metabolized to produce shikimic acid for phenylpropanoid synthesis. The phenylpropanoid was then used to produce lignin that was subsequently infused into the cell walls of roots in order to increase resistance to M. oryzae. b Defense responses of cultivated rice roots in response to M. oryzae. In response to M. oryzae, roots of cultivated rice induced genes related to elongation of fatty acids. Elongated fatty acid is then promoted synthesis of wax and cutin which are infused into cell walls of roots to promote resistance to M. oryzae. Phenylpropanoid metabolism was elevated in response to the pathogen, and was directed to flavone synthesis rather than lignin synthesis. Solid arrows indicate the identified pathway. Dotted arrows indicate the supposed pathways. 1. Pathogen elicits WRKY TFs (Fig. 6d); 2. WRKY TFs elicit amylase (Table 4); 3. Starch metabolite occurs (Table 4); 4. Shikimic acid pathway assumably occurs; 5. Phenylpropanoid synthesis (Table 4); 6. Lignin synthesis (Table 4, Additional file 7: Figure S5); 7. WRKY induces β-oxidase activity (Table 4); 8. Fatty acid is degraded (Table 4); 9. NADPH and acyl-CoA promote diterpenoid synthesis; 10. WRKY TFs induce ω-3 fatty acid desaturase activity (Table 4); 11. ω-3 fatty acid desaturase promotes linolenic acid synthesis [Table 4 and assumed, Simopoulos (2016)]; 12. JA synthesis occurs (Fig. 6a); 13. JA promotes chitinase activity (Fig. 6a); 14. ET synthesis is induced under stress; 15. JA and ET promote production of WRKY TFs [Fig. 6b, Schluttenhofer and Yuan 2015]; ① Fatty acid synthesis is promoted (Table 4); ② Fatty acid is accumulated (Table 4); ③ Wax and cutin synthesis [Table 4, Lattanzio et al. 2006]; ④ Peroxisome is produced (Table 4); ⑤ Phenylpropanoid metabolism occurs (Table 4); ⑥ Flavone synthesis [Table 4, Zhao et al. 2016]. The dashed arrows and boxes represent the putative pathway in accordance to published literature, while the solid lines represent the findings of the present study. Steps 4 and 11 occur in mitochondria. The germinating spores shown represent the pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae. ET, ethylene; WRKY TFs, WRKY transcription factors