Figure 5.
Response of micro-thermocouple to back-side electron irradiation. (a) SEM image of thermocouple on 30 nm SiN-membrane by back-scattered (in lens) and secondary (large angle scattered) electrons. (b,c) Measured amplitude and phase response of the Au-Ni thermocouple to a diagonal scan (dashed line in the inset in (b)) with μm steps measured with a lock-in amplifier. Thermocouple voltage was normalised to the transmitted electron current measured by the Faraday cup using an additional lock-in amplifier; e-beam blanking frequency was 27 Hz. The slope of line (1) in (c) corresponds to the best fit by a linear dependence, where d is the distance between heat source and measurement point (only valid at large separations); the temperature diffusivity was a = 0.62 × 10−4 m2/s or 47.7 times larger than that of SiN12.