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. 2018 Feb 6;97(6):989–998. doi: 10.1007/s00277-018-3254-4

Table 2.

Details on patients, their underlying diseases, treatment protocols, HLH-specific treatment, possible triggers, peak levels of inflammatory markers and outcome of the HLH

Pat. nr. Year of onset Age at onset of HLH Sex Underlying disease Treatment protocol State at diagnosis of HLH HLH-specific therapy Outcome of HLH Preceding treatment with LAmB Preceding parenteral nutrition Concurrent infections Peak CRP level (mg/l) Peak PCT level (ng/ml)
1 1995 3.9a m Pre-B-ALL ALL REZ BFM 90 Maintenance therapy IVIG Died (1 day after diagnosis) n.a. n.a. InflA n.a. n.a.
2 1997 17.1a f AML FAB M2 AML BFM 93 Maintenance therapy IVIG, Dxm, VP-16 Died (47 days after diagnosis) No no EBV, paranasal aspergillosis 104.7 n.a.
3 1997 1.5a m Medulloblastoma HIT SKK 92 Tumour progression under treatment Dxm., VP-16 Died (2 days after diagnosis) n.a. Yes CMV n.a. n.a.
4 2001 17.1a m Mediastinal germ cell tumour HLH therapy HLH as initial presentation IVIG, VP-16, Dxm, Daclizumab, CS-A Died (23 days after diagnosis) No No 16.0 n.a.
5 2002 15.5a m Anaplastic large T cell lymphoma ALCLl HLH as initial presentation G-CSF, Dxm, VP-16 Remission No No PVB19 25.0 n.a.
6 2002 11.0a f C-ALL, second relapse ALL REZ BFM Pilot 02; BMT Day + 68 after MUD BMT, acute GvHD VP-16, Dxm,
Remission Yes Yes EBV, HHV6, pulmonary aspergillosis n.a. n.a.
7 2005 10.7a f AML, FAB M2 AML BFM 2004 Day + 24 after allogeneic HLA identical BMT, acute GvHD Dxm Remission No Yes < 5.0 n.a.
8 2006 12.4a f Ewing sarcoma EURO Ewing 99 Sixth VIDE Dxm, infliximab Remission Yes Yes 128 n.a.
9 2007 14.8a f AML FAB M2 (refractory) RIC MUD alloPSCT Day + 2 after RIC PSCT Infliximab, daclizumab, methylprednisolone Remission Yes Yes EBV 236 n.a.
10 2008 16.8a f AML FAB M1 AML BFM 2004 1 + 2: maintenance therapy 1: Dxm, infliximab; 2: Dxm, rituximab, IVIG, infliximab Died in second episode (132 days after first diagnosis) Yes No 1: ADV, BKV, HHV6, PVB19; 2: EBV 264 n.a.
11 2008 18.0 f Mb. Krabbe Second HaploPSCT Day + 22 after 2nd haploSCT (graft rejection after the 1st SCT) Dxm, infliximab Remission No No Cerebral toxoplasmosis 157.0 0.47
12 2008 7.5a f Secondary AML after treatment of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma CWS 2002, MUD SCT Day + 44 after MUD SCT Dxm, IVIG Remission Yes Yes BKV, HHV-6, PVB19 42.4 n.a.
13 2009 2.4a f AML FAB M6 refractory to treatment Allogeneic peripheral SCT Conditioning for allogeneic SCT Dxm, infliximab Remission Yes Yes HHV6, RSV 220.4 13.59
14 2010 10.9a f AML FAB M5 AML BFM 2004 (HR) 1: AI-2CDA consolidation, 2–4: maintenance treatment Dxm Remission after fourth episode Yes Yes 1: BKV; 2:-4: CMV 90.2 n.a.
15 2011 1.3a f AML FAB M5a AML BFM 2004 1: end of ADxE induction 2: re-induction of HAM Dxm Remission after second episode Yes Yes 1: EBV (weak: HHV 6, HHV7 and HHV8) 94.4 15.66
16 2011 17.4a m Osteosarcoma (relapse) HaploSCT Day + 8 after HaploSCT, graft rejection Dxm Remission Yes Yes 110.3 3.22
17 2012 7.3a f AML FAB M0/I AML BFM 2004 End of ADxE induction Dxm Remission n.a. n.a. 317.5 12.4
18 2012 2.2a m AML FAB M5 AML BFM 2004 HAM protocol Dxm Remission n.a. Yes HHV6, HSV1 53.1 13.57
19 2013 3.1a m T-ALL AEIOP BFM ALL 2009 1: protocol IB-ASP 2: protocol III Dxm Remission after second episode n.a. n.a. 1: BKV; 2: CMV 37.4 1.8
20 2013 1.3a m Infant ALL DLI/stem cell boost after 2nd HaploSCT Day + 120 after haploSCT, day +12 after stem cell boost, acute GvHD Dxm, sirolimus Remission Yes Yes JCV 190.3 1.08
21 2013 4.3a m T-ALL AEIOP BFM ALL 2009 Protocol IB Dxm, IVIG Remission No Yes ADV, BKV, HHV6 90.2 n.a.
22 2014 7.1a m Relapse of C-ALL ALL REZ BFM Day + 225 after alloBMT, chronic GvHD, colitis Dxm Remission Yes Yes ADV, BKV, CMV 74.4 0.42

m/f male/female, HR high risk, BFM Berlin-Frankfurt-Münster, MUD matched unrelated donor, BMT bone marrow transplantation, SCT stem cell transplantation, haplo haploidentical, RIC reduced intensity conditioning, VP-16 etoposid, ATG anti-thymocyte globulin, DLI donor lymphocyte infusion, CS-A cyclosporine A, Dxm dexamethasone, n.a. not available, ADV adenovirus, BKV BK virus, CMV cytomegalovirus, EBV Epstein-Barr virus, HHV human herpesvirus, HSV herpes simplex virus, InflA influenza A virus, JCV JC virus, PVB19 parvovirus B19, RSV respiratory syncytial virus

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