Fig. 1.
RasCQ62L expression of constitutively active RasC or Rap1 leads to dramatic cell spreading in pten− cells. (A) Experimental scheme. Inhibitors used in this study are shown in red type. (B) Untransfected control cells. (C–F) Ras and Rap constructs were induced with doxycycline, and representative images were acquired at the indicated times for wild-type and constitutively active RasC expressed in (C) AX2 cells and (D) pten− cells, and for wild-type and constitutively active Rap1 expressed in (E) AX2 cells and (F) pten− cells. (G) Isosurface renders of RasC/pten− cells (arrowhead) and RsCQ62L/pten− cells (arrow). (H) Distribution of flatness coefficients of AX2 and pten− cells expressing indicated constructs. (I and J) Inhibitions of the pancake phenotype by (I) PP242 and (J) LY294002.