Figure 2. Kinetics of pre-seeded Aβ42 aggregation at different temperatures and initial monomer concentrations.
Normalized experimental reaction profiles, monitored by ThT fluorescence, for Aβ42 aggregation in the presence of pre-formed fibrils for different initial concentrations of monomeric peptide and at different temperatures (a) 29°C, (b) 33°C, (c) 36°C and (d) 40°C. The initial concentrations of monomers were 5.0 µM (yellow), 4.0 µM (pink) and 3.0 µM (purple). The solid lines are global fits at each temperature using the analytical integrated rate law for Aβ42 aggregation. The data in each panel is fitted globally with a single parameter, k+/L(0), where L(0) is the average length of the pre-formed fibrils. The rate parameters determined at each temperature from the global fitting are plotted in Fig. 3c.